This action prevents a further decrease in the
proportionally. You should set the compensating droop
When the voltage decrease is
introduced by the compensator to approximately 6
terminal voltage.
percent from no load to full load at 0.8 lagging power
checked, the moving arm of the regulator is again in a
factor. However, when you have made the proper
balanced state. The position of the regulator moving
connections and settings, no further adjustments should
arm, however, has changed to correspond to the increase
be necessary.
in load on the generator.
If some load is removed from the generator,
When the generator circuit breaker is closed and the
control switch is in the AUTOMATIC position, the
generator is under control of the voltage regulator (fig.
8-5). If the ac generator voltage is normal, the regulator
moving arm is at rest in a balanced state.
If an additional load is placed on the generator,
The Silverstat voltage regulator can increase the
excitation to the ceiling voltage of the exciter. It can also
reduce the excitation to the lowest value required.
Because total travel of the moving arm is only a fraction
of an inch, the regulating resistance can be easily varied.
This depends upon the requirements of the operating