Provide adequate protection for the part to
When a leaky tube is found, both ends of the tube
should be plugged with plugs provided as spare parts or
prevent additional damage. Use the same
with condenser plugs. When the number of plugged
container in which the new one was packaged, if
tubes in a cooler section becomes large enough to
at all possible.
adversely affect the heat-dissipating capacity of the
Return the defective part to supply as soon as
cooler, the cooler section must be removed and replaced.
Since you will encounter the terms mandatory
turn-ins arid repairables in the process of obtaining
replacement parts from supply, you should understand
the purpose of the repairable program and your
responsibilities to it.
When the required part is not in the storeroom,
supply must take appropriate action to obtain it. The
When a component fails, your primary concern is
failed part should be turned into supply before receiving
to locate the trouble, correct it, and get the equipment
the new one, unless its removal will cause limited or
back on the line. In most cases this involves
reduced operating capabilities.
troubleshooting the equipment and tracing the trouble
to the defective component, drawing a replacement
from supply, installing it, and discarding the old one.
The repairable program enters the picture when
defective parts are expensive and can be economically
Now that you have finished this chapter, you should
repaired at a factory. In these cases, the time and money
have a better understanding of motor and generator
saved makes it quicker and cheaper to repair an item
repair and troubleshooting. Some of the areas covered
than to contract with manufacturer to build a new one.
were the proper care and cleaning of bearings, the
The old part should be turned in to supply so that it may
correct seating of brushes on commutator and slip
be repaired and returned to service in the fleet through
rings, and the tests and repairs required for motor and
the supply system.
For the repairable program to work as intended,
The information covered in this chapter does not
you and others have certain responsibilities. At the time
include the necessary specifications or the specific
you turn in your request for a replacement part, supply
procedures for repair and maintenance of each piece of
must inform you whether or not it is a mandatory turn-in
equipment you will encounter. This information can
item. At this point proceed as follows:
only be obtained from the Naval Ships' Technical
Remove the defective part without damaging it.
Manual and the manufacturer's instruction manuals.