POWER SUPPLY.-- The power supply performs
Components of the ICCP System
the following two functions:
The components of the ICCP system are listed
1. It converts available shipboard ac to low-voltage
below and discussed in this section.
1. Power supply
2. It provides a means of adjusting the value of
current delivered to the anodes.
2. Controller
CONTROLLER.-- The controller (fig. 11-5) is
3. Anodes
used to monitor the control power supply outputs that
4. Reference electrode
maintain the hull at a preset potential versus the
reference cdl. The controller is a sensitive amplifier
5. Stuffing tube
that creates an output signal proportional to the voltage
6. Shaft grounding assembly
difference between the reference (electrode-to-hull)
7. Rudder ground (including stabilizer if installed)
voltage and the internally set voltage. The controller
should be mounted in a readily accessible area.
8. Dielectic shield
Figure 11-5.--Magnetic amplifier controller Mod III.