A form similar to the one shown in figure 13-8 is in use
Publications and Forms, NAVSUP 2002. The
in some ships for the issuance of the engineering
requisition for the new book must show the mark,
modification and serial numbers of the gyrocompass
officer's night orders.
for which the book is intended.
The Night Order Book is maintained in port and at
sea. In the temporary absence of the engineer officer in
Degaussing Folder
port the book may be maintained by the engineering
department duty officer. When the ship is under way,
The ship's Degaussing Folder is a record of the
the Night Order Book is delivered to the EOOW before
degaussing installation in the ship. The folder contains
2000 and is returned to the log room before 0800 of the
the following information:
following day. In addition to the EOOW, principal
engineering watch supervisors and the oil king should
1. A description of the degaussing installation
read and initial the night orders for the watch. In port,
2. A record of inspection, tests, and repairs
the night orders should be read and initialed by the
performed by repair activities
leading duty petty officer of each engineering division
3. The values of all coil currents for the ship's
as well as by the principal watch supervisors.
positions and headings
Steaming Orders
4. A record of the degaussing range runs.
The Degaussing Folder is necessary for the
Steaming Orders are written orders issued by the
engineering officer. These list the major machinery
operation of the degaussing system and must be
units and readiness requirements of the engineering
safeguarded against loss. Generally, the Degaussing
Folder is in the possession of the navigator. The
department based upon the time set for getting the ship
under way. Generally, a locally prepared form similar
engineer officer provides the navigator with the names
to the one illustrated in figure 13-9 is used for issuance
of the engineering personnel who will require access to
the folder.
of the Steaming Orders. The orders normally specify
the following information:
The Ship's Force Degaussing Maintenance Record,
NAVSHIPS 1009, is provided for recording
maintenance of the degaussing system performed by the
2. Times for lighting fires and cutting-in boilers
ship's force. When they are completed, the forms are
3. Times for warming up and testing main engines
inserted in the degaussing folder.
4. Times for starting and paralleling ship's service
Situation Reports
5. Standard speed, and (6) EOOW and principal
Situation reports (SITREPS) are onetime reports
watch supervisors
required in certain situations. Table 13-1 is a summary
of onetime reports (not previously described) pertaining
Early posting of Steaming Orders is essential to
to the engineering department.
getting a ship with a large engineering plant underway
with a minimum of confusion.
Gas Turbine Service Records
Gyrocompass Service Record
The gas turbine propulsion plants are unique in that
service and maintenance records are similar to aircraft
The Gyrocompass Service Record Book is
propulsion plants. Naval Ship's Technical Manual,
furnished the ship with each gyrocompass (except the
chapter 234 (9416), gives a description of these service
Mk 22) installed. The book is a complete record of
records and full instructions for maintaining them.
inspections, tests, and repairs to the gyrocompass. The
Gyrocompass Service Record must always remain
with its associated gyrocompass. C o m p l e t e
instructions for maintaining the record are outlined in
the front of the book and must be carefully followed. In
Before any of the engineering department records
the event of loss of, or damage to, the Gyrocompass
Service Record Book, a replacement book can be
are destroyed, the Disposal of Navy and Marine Corps
obtained as indicated in the Navy Stock List of
Records, USN and USNS vessels, SECNAVINST