emergency generator. It is a complete daily record
generator sets) should be recorded on the form. The IC
(from midnight to midnight) of the operating conditions
room operating record is checked and approved in the
of the ship's service electric plant. Any corrections or
manner described for the Gyrocompass Operating
changes to entries for a watch must be made by the
person who signs the log for that watch. However,
corrections or additions must not be made after the log
sheet has been signed by the engineering officer without
The engineering records and reports discussed in
his or her permission or direction. The station logs are
this section serve to inform responsible personnel of
turned into the logroom every morning for the
coming events (including impending casualties), supply
engineering officer's signature and for filing.
data for the analysis of equipment performance, and
The back of the log is a continuation of the front,
provide a basis for design comparison and
and it also provides spaces for the engineering officer's
improvement. They also provide information for the
and senior Electrician's Mate's signatures. Entries
improvement of maintenance techniques and the
concerning the prime movers are generally recorded by
development of new work methods. The records are
the generator watch (MM). Electrical information is
those papers required to be compiled and retained on
recorded by the switchboard watch (EM) who signs the
board (in original or duplicate form) for prescribed
remarks for the watch.
periods of time. This is primarily for reference in
administrative and operational matters. The reports are
The accuracy of the entries is checked by the EM in
of either a onetime or recurring nature. Recurring
charge of the ship's service generators. Both the M and
reports are required at prescribed or set intervals.
E division officers check the record for accuracy and
Onetime reports need be made when a given situation
any evidence of impending casualties. Each officer
initials the record to indicate that it has been checked.
The engineering officer notes the content and signs the
Engineering Officer's Night Order Book
record in the space provided on a daily basis.
The engineering officer keeps a Night Order Book
Gyrocompass Operating Record
(fig. 13-8) which is preserved as a part of the
engineering records. Entered into the Night Order Book
The Gyrocompass Operating Record
are the engineer officer's orders with respect to the
(Gyrocompass Log) is a locally prepared, complete
daily record maintained for each operating master
gyrocompass. The form for the log is prepared
1. Operation of the engineering plant
following the type commander's directives. Columns
2. Any special orders or precautions concerning
in the log should provide space for recording the times
the speed and operation of the main engines
of starting and stopping the gyrocompass, total hours of
operation since delivery of the gyrocompass, and
3. All other orders for the night for the EOOW.
important operating data pertaining to the gyrocompass
The Night Order Book is prepared and maintained
installation. The petty officer in charge of the interior
following instructions issued by the type commander.
Some instructions specify that the Night Order Book use
the log, and the electrical officer notes its contents on a
a specific format that is standard for ships of the type.
daily basis.
Other commands allow use of a locally prepared form
but specify certain contents of the book
IC Room Operating Record
The Engineering Officr's Night Order Book must
The IC room operating record is a daily record of
contain orders covering routine situations of a recurring
major electrical equipment in operation in the IC room
nature (engineering department standing orders) as well
and is maintained by the IC watch. The form for the
as orders for the night for the EOOW. Standing orders
record is prepared locally following the type
are issued by the engineer officer as a letter-type
commander's directives. On small ships the
directive (instruction) following the ship's directives
Gyrocompass Log and the IC room record may be
system. A copy of the instruction is posted in the front
maintained on the same form. Important data such as
of the Night Order Book Orders for the night for the
voltages and currents of major units of IC equipment (IC
EOOW generally specify the boilers and other major
switchboard, telephone switchboard, and motor
items of machinery to be used during the night watches.