Information is entered in the record and the remarks
AC/DC Electric Propulsion Operating
are written and signed by the EM of the watch.
Record, NAVSEC 9622/1
Accuracy is checked by the EM in charge of the electric
propulsion equipment and the electrical officer. Space
The AC/DC Electric Repulsion Operating Record,
is provided on the record for the approval and signature
NAVSEC 9622/1, is a daily record for each operating
of the engineer officer on a daily basis.
propulsion generator and motor in ships (except
submarines) equipped with ac or dc electric propulsion
Electrical Log, NAVSEC 9600/1
machinery. A separate sheet is used for each shaft,
except on ships with more than two generators or two
The Electrical Log (fig. 13-7) is a complete daily
motors per shaft. In this case, as many sheets as needed
record maintained for each operating ship's service and
are used.
Figure 13-7.--Electrical Log--Ship's Service Electric Plant.