Maintaining records and files to support the QA
program, following the QA manual.
Assuring that your work center and, when
applicable, division personnel do not use
measuring devices, instruments, inspection
tools, gauges, or fixtures for production
acceptance and testing that do not have current
calibration stickers or records attached or
Performing quality control inspections of each
product manufactured or repaired by your work
Assisting your division oficcer and QAO in
conducting internal audits as required and taking
corrective action on noted discrepancies.
Alternate SQCIs are usually assigned as backups to
the regular SQCIs. Their qualifications and
responsibilities are the same as those of the regularly
assigned SQCI.
As a supervisor you must also ensure that
procedures governing controlled material are followed.
You can do this by having one or more of your work
center personnel trained in the procedures for
inspecting, segregating, stowing, and issuing controlled
material. When they have completed their training,
designate them as controlled material petty officers
A comprehensive training program is the next step
in an effective QA program. For inspectors to make a
difference, they must be both trained and certified. They
must have formal or informal training in inspection
methods, maintenance and repair, and certification of
QA requirements. Costly mistakes, made either from
lack of knowledge or improper training, can be entirely
eliminated with a good QA training program at all levels
of shop or work group organization. Before personnel
can assume the responsibility of coordinating,
administering, and executing the QA program, they
must meet certain requirements. Personnel assigned to
the QA division or quality control personnel you have
assigned in your work center, such as SQCIs, CMPOs,
or their alternates, should be highly motivated toward
the QA program. It is imperative that a qualification and
requalification program be established for those
personnel participating in the program. Where military
standards and NAVSEA technical documents require
formal technical training or equivalent, those
requirements must be met and personnel qualification
vigorously and effectively monitored to ensure that
qualifications are updated and maintained. When formal
training for a specific skill is not a requirement, the
guidelines of the QA manual maybe used as a basis for
training to ensure that personnel are provided with the
necessary expertise to perform a required skill.
Personnel who obtain a QA qualification must undergo
periodic QA training and examinations, both oral and
written, to maintain the qualification. We will discuss
this procedure in the following paragraphs.
As stated earlier, the person doing the work, whether
it be manufacturing or repairing, is responsible for
following all written guidelines. He or she is responsible
to you when questions arise about the work being
performed. Ensure that your workers know to stop and
seek work instructions or clarification from you when
questions or conditions arise which may impede the
successful completion of the task or job.
A good lesson to teach over and over to all your
workers is to strive to achieve first-time quality on every
assigned task. This will not only instill pride and
professionalism in their work but will also help ensure
a quality product.
The QAO is an individual whose primary duty,
assigned by the commanding ofllcer in writing, is to
oversee the QA program. The QAO ensures that
personnel assigned to perform QA functions receive
continuous training in inspecting, testing, and quality
control methods specifically applicable to their area of
assignment. The QAO also ensures that SQCIs receive
cross training to enable them to perform QA functions
outside their assigned areas. This training includes local
training courses, on-the-job training (OJT), rotation of
assignments, personnel qualification standards (PQS),
and formal schools.
Whenever possible, the QAO receives formal
training according to the QA manual. He or she is
responsible to the repair officer for planning and