the thermostatic assembly is inoperable. Corrective
maintenance of the regulating valve consists of
inspecting the valve for leaks and for freedom of stem
movement, adjusting the set point at which the valve
regulates, renewing the thermostatic assembly, and
cleaning and restoring valve parts. Any time that you
remove a valve, you should center punch a dot code on
each piece to ensure that the valve and piping are
installed in the original configuration. The three-way
valve can be turned around, and the problem could go
unnoticed until you try to align the temperature
regulation of the cooling system. There are individual
manuals for the temperature-regulating valves and they
should be closely followed. For example, if you remove
the top of the thermostatic assembly without chilling the
temperature probe, the bellows will expand and rupture,
making the unit worthless. To verify that the
thermostatic assembly has failed, close valves upstream
and downstream of the thermostatic bulb, drain the unit
below the location of the bulb, and remove the bulb from
its well. Place the bulb in a suitable vessel and observe
the valve stroke while the bulb is alternately heated with
hot water and cooled with cold water. If the valve
thermostatic assembly does not respond, it has lost its
thermostatic charge, and a new unit must be installed.
You will encounter many different types and sizes
of flow regulating devices used in both the primary and
secondary cooling systems. They are used to reduce the
pressure or the flow of coolant through a cooling system.
The orifice plate is found primarily in the seawater
cooling system.
It is the simplest design of a flow
regulating device, consisting of a steel plate with a hole
in it. With constant known seawater pressure and with
a given hole size, the volume of water through the device
can be determined. The use of an orifice plate is limited
to where the input water pressure is essential y constant,
such as the ships firemain. The orifice plate is normally
installed between two pieces of flanged pipes upstream
from the heat exchanger as shown in figures 1-6 and 1-7.
This will reduce the ships firemain pressure below the
pressure in the secondary cooling system. As we have
indicated earlier, should one of the heat exchanger tubes
fail, the seawater pressure is lower than the distilled
water pressure; therefore, it would not contaminate the
secondary cooling system. The secondary cooling
system would force distilled water into the primary
cooling system. A ruptured heat exchanger tube or a bad
single tube sheet in a heat exchanger would give no
visual indication of water loss except for the indication
on the expansion tank sight glass. To stabilize the flow
of seawater and to prevent jet erosion of the heat
exchanger and associated piping, the orifice plate should
be installed with at least 15 pipe diameters of straight
pipe upstream from the heat exchanger. When there is
a drop in the heat exchanger primary input pressure and
the seawater supply pressure has not changed, you
should first check the duplex strainer differential
pressure gauge to ensure that the duplex strainer is clean.
Then the orifice plate should be inspected for deposits
or particles that could restrict the seawater flow. You
should also inspect the orifice plate for erosion damage
of the hole diameter.
The orifice plate should be
replaced when there is an increased flow of seawater to
the point that it could damage the heat exchanger. Never
use the seawater valves to throttle (partially closed) the
flow of seawater in the primary cooling system, because
the seawater will erode the internal parts of the valve.
The damage to the valve would require extensive repair
or replacement, because the valve would no longer close
When used with the chilled-water system, the
constant flow regulator (variable orifice, fig. 1-17) is
installed downstream from the heat exchanger. This
restricts the flow from the heat exchanger and keeps the
heat exchanger fully submerged for greater efficiency
(heat transfer). This type of flow regulator is not used
in the seawater system because the internal parts would
easily become fouled with marine growth and deposits.
The operation is dependent on the movement of the
orifice plugs (neoprene) to regulate the flow of water.
Another type of flow-regulator valve (equipment
flow) used primarily with electronic equipment to
regulate the flow of distilled water through the
Figure 1-17.-Constant flow regulator.