4. Arrange for a noise survey to be taken initially
8. The main propulsion assistant should be
designated as the department officer to monitor and
by an industrial or IMA activity, and ensure that surveys
assist the engineer offficer in all elements of the program.
are redone at least annually.
5. Designate "high noise areas" from the survey
center supervisor, you are responsible for ensuring that
and ensure that areas are properly marked or labeled
safety signs are posted in your spaces which are high
with prescribed markings. Advise the medical
noise areas, that your personnel are trained and
counseled as to the effects of noise pollution, and that
department of areas so designated and of any changes
they have the proper hearing protection as required for
that may occur.
that area.
6. Issue aural protective devices to all personnel
For additional information on the Hearing
tasked to work in designated "high noise areas." These
Conservation Program, refer to OPNAVINST 6260.2.
devices will be made available through the medical
department for individual fitting and issue. Issue of
these devices will be recorded in the individuals'
medical records.
Now that you have completed this chapter, you have
an idea of just how many inspections and different types
7. Ensure that sufficient training is provided to
of maintenance you will deal with while in the Navy.
operating personnel concerning the hazards and
Remember, most inspections are designed to help you
preventive elements of the program, stressing the use of
in your work by pointing out problem areas before they
become major problems.
available protective devices.