In the past, primary emphasis in casualty control
Therefore, the drill cards must give the correct
training was placed on speed. Now, with the
procedure to be followed by each watch team member;
development and implementation of the Engineering
and the procedure should be in the proper sequence for
Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) portion of the
the drill. The engineering officer must ensure that
Engineering operational Sequencing System (EOSS),
adequate research is done and that each scenario is
there is a more methodical and organized approach to
accurate. EOCC, if installed, should be the prime
casualty control. Because the approach is more
information source. The main propulsion assistant
methodical and organized, there is an increase in
(MPA) should have custody of a master drill card
control, a decrease in plant disablements, and an
package. This package should have appropriate copies
increase in overall safety to plants and personnel.
of applicable drill scenarios. It should also include drill
EOCC and EOSS will be discussed in more detail later.
cards for each space.
To ensure maximum engineering department
Planning and scheduling casualty control drills
operational readiness, a ship must be self-sufficient in
should receive equal priority with other training
conducting propulsion plant casualty control drills. The
evolutions conducted during normal working hours.
management required for such drills involves the
When a specified time for the conduct of casualty
establishment of the Engineering Casualty Control
control drills is authorized by the CO, the engineer
Evaluation Team (ECCET). Preliminary administrative
officer must prepare a drill plan. Careful preplanning
support for the training program must also be
and sequencing of events are mandatory.
After the proposed drill plan is approved by the CO,
designated ECCET personnel meet. The meeting is held
to make sure that all members of the team understand
the procedures and the sequencing of events. In
An ECCET should be developed for each underway
preparing the drill plan, consideration is given to the
watch section. Also, a sufficient number of personnel
following items:
should be assigned to evaluate each watch station during
the drills.
General condition of the engineering plant
The engineering officer must ensure the
Machinery and safety devices out of commission
development of an accurate, comprehensive drill
package. It should be adequate to exercise the
Length of time set aside for the drill
engineering department in all phases of casualty control
State of training of the watch section
procedures. The drill package should contain a
complete file of drill scenarios and drill cards for each
Power to be provided to vital circuits
type of casualty that could possibly occur to the
Within the constraints of these items, three priorities
propulsion plant. Scenarios should contain the
are considered.
following information:
1. The first priority on drill selection is given to
1. Drill title
boiler casualty drills and/or propulsion space fire drills.
2. Scenario number (if assigned)
These drills represent the greatest danger. They involve
3. General description of the casualty
the largest number of propulsion plant watch team
4. Method of imposing the drill
2. The second priority is given to lube oil system
5. Cause (several causes should be listed if
casualties. This is because of the inherent danger to
main and auxiliary equipments that these casualties
6. Estimated time of repair (ETR)
7. Cautions to prevent personnel hazards or
3. The third priority is given to other main engine
machinery damage
8. Any simulations to be used in the drill
NOTE: In selecting drills, the engineering officer
must give emphasis to the development of watch team
The purpose of the drill cards is to give the ECCET
proficiency in handling priority one casualties.
members ready reference to procedures to be followed.