by putting it in words they can understand at their watch
through operational modes from receiving shore
services, to various modes of in-port auxiliary plant
steaming, to underway steaming.
The EOSS is composed of three basic parts.
The EOP documentation is prepared for specifically
1. The User's Guide
defined operational stages--stages I, II, and III.
2. The Engineering Operational Procedures (EOP)
STAGE I.-- Stage I deals with the total engineering
3. The Engineering Operational Casualty Control
plant under the direct responsibility of the plant
all systems and components (normally controlled by the
EOSS User's Guide
various space supervisors) in operation and securing
them. This person also supervises functions that affect
The User's Guide is a booklet explaining the EOSS
conditions internal to the engineering plant, such as
package and how it is used to the ship's best advantage.
jacking, testing, and spinning main engines. The EOP
The booklet contains document samples and explains
documentation assists the plant supervisor to ensure
how they are used. It provides recommendations for
optimum plant operating efficiency, properly
training the ship's personnel in using the specified
sequencing of events in each operational evolution, and
the training of newly assigned personnel. During a plant
EOSS documentation is developed using
evolution, the EOOW designates control and operation
work-study techniques. All existing methods and
of the following systems and components:
procedures for plant operation and casualty control
procedures are documented. These include the actual
Systems that interconnect one or more
ship procedures as well as those procedures contained
engineering plant machinery spaces and electrical
in available reference sources. The resulting
sequencing system provides the best tailored operating
Major components, such as boilers, main
and EOCC procedures available pertaining to a
particular ship's propulsion plant.
Systems and components required to support the
Engineering Operational Procedures
engineering plant or other ship functions, such as
auxiliaries that are placed in operation or secured in
The operational portion of the EOSS contains all
response to demand upon their services
information necessary for proper operation of a ship's
engineering plant. It also contains guides for
To help the plant supervisor with stage I, the EOP
section contains the following documents:
scheduling, controlling, and directing plant evolutions