the drive shaft, rotates the washer cylinder at low or high
speed. The clutch is not engaged during extract cycles.
Never exceed the dry weight cylinder capacity (60
pounds); however, loading the cylinder to capacity is
recommended Lighter loads may fail to distribute
clothes properly. This will cause the machine to vibrate
The balance system automatically corrects
excessively. Before performing maintenance on the
imbalances that occur during extract cycles in either
machine, ensure it is de-energized and tagged out
formula or manual mode operation. An imbalance
according to your ship's tag-out program.
causes washer vibrations that are transmitted through a
For additional information on the operation, the
rigidly mounted arm to a hydraulic sensor unit. The unit
troubleshooting, and the repair of the washer-extractor
converts the vibrations to electric impulse signals that
installed aboard your ship, refer to the manufacturer's
operate electric balance solenoid valves. When a
technical manual.
solenoid valve opens, hot water from the water
distribution system is injected into a cylinder rib
opposite the point of imbalance.
For other laundry equipment, such as dry-cleaning
machines, dryers, and presses, refer to the appropriate
Supply Injection
manufacturer's instruction manual for operational
procedures, troubleshooting, and repairs.
You can use the manual supply chute in either
operational mode. Supplies, such as soap, bleach,
conditioner, and so forth, are poured directly into the
chute. The automatic injection system is used only
In this chapter you have been introduced to
during formula mode operations. Initial soap is placed
information on various components of electrical
in the manual supply chute, and additional laundry
equipment. These components include small craft
supplies are loaded into the appropriate compartment at
the start of wash operations. When the programmed
refrigeration and air-conditioning plants, the
formula chart calls for a supply injection, a command
electrostatic vent fog precipitators, the electrohydraulic
signal is generated by a finger contact in the control
steering gear, and the ship's deck equipment. Some of
timer. The signal opens a solenoid valve, and then water
the smaller auxiliary equipment components that have
from the water distribution system enters the
been discussed include battery chargers and storage
appropriate supply compartment and flushes the
batteries and components. We also described various
contents into the washer.
deck equipment, including winches, anchor windlasses,
elevators, and UNREP systems. Some galley and
laundry equipment were also described and explained.
The installations aboard your ship may differ, but
The washer main drain is mounted directly onto the
the information given is basic in nature and should be
of some use in determining the proper course of action
bottom of the washer shell. The main drain valve is
when operating and maintaining the vast amount of
controlled by a solenoid valve in the air distribution
auxiliary electrical equipment aboard ship.
system manifold.