commander usually designates the type of inspection
can't possibly have enough information to make an
and when it will be held.
accurate estimate.
Your command will usually be notified in advance
Consider all the interruptions that might cause
when various inspections are to be held. However,
delay, over and above the time required for the work
preparations for such inspections should not be
itself. Such things as drills, inspections, field days, and
working parties can have quite an effect on the number
postponed until notices are received. It is a mistake to
think that a poorly administered division or department
of people who will be available to work on the job at any
can, by a sudden burst of energy, be prepared to meet
given time.
the inspector's eagle eye. By using proper procedures
Estimating the number of personnel required for a
and keeping up to date on such items as repair work,
certain repair job is, obviously, closely related to
maintenance work, operating procedures, training of
estimating time. You will have to consider not only the
personnel, engineering casualty control drills,
nature of the job and the number of people available, but
maintenance records, and reports, you will always be
also the maximum number of people who can work
ready for any type of inspection at any time.
effectively on a job or on part of the job at the same time.
Since your ship may be designated to provide
Doubling the number of personnel will not cut them time
personnel to perform an inspection on another
in half instead, it will result in confusion.
command, you, as a PO1 or CPO, may be assigned the
The best way to estimate the time and the number
duty as an assistant inspector. Therefore, you should
of personnel needed to do a job is to divide the total job
know something about the different types of inspections
into the various phases or steps that will have to be done.
and trials and how they are conducted.
Then, estimate the time and the personnel required for
There are a variety of types of inspections, each with
each step.
a specific purpose. Since the Electrician's Mate rating
Estimating the materials required for a repair job is
is an engineering rating, we will focus on those
often more difficult than estimating the time and labor
inspections which most directly affect the engineering
required for the job. Although your own past experience
will be your best guide for this kind of estimating, a few
general considerations should be noted.
1. Keep accurate records of all materials and tools
Administrative inspections cover administrative
used in any major repair job. These records serve two
methods and procedures normally used by the ship.
purposes--first, they provide a means of accounting for
Each inspection is divided into two general
materials used; and second, they provide a guide for
categories--the general administration of the ship as a
estimating materials that will be required for similar jobs
whole and the administration of each department. This
in the future.
TRAMAN only discusses the engineering department.
2. Before starting any repair job, plan the job
The purpose of an administrative inspection is to
carefully and in detail. Make full use of manufacturers'
determine whether or not the department is being
technical manuals, blueprints, drawings, and any other
administered within the guidelines established by the
available information, and find out in advance all the
standard organization and regulations manual of the
tools and materials that will be required for the
United States Navy, E n g i n e e r i n g D e p a r t m e n t
accomplishment of each step of the job.
Organization Manual, and other pertinent instructions.
3. Make a reasonable allowance for waste when
calculating the amount of material you will need.
Inspecting Party
It is a routine procedure for one ship to conduct an
inspection of a similar division on another ship. General
Naval ships and shore installations are required to
instructions for conducting the inspection are usually
be inspected to ensure that their operation,
given by the division commander; however, the
administration, and equipment reflects a high standard
selecting and organizing of the inspecting party are done
of readiness. The frequency with which the various
aboard the ship that must conduct the inspection.
types of inspections are held is determined by the CNO,
fleet commanders, and type commanders. As far as any
The chief inspector, usually the commanding officer
specific ship is concerned, the cognizant type
of the ship, will organize the assisting board. The