The elevation antenna, AS-1669/SPN-35, is a
truncated paraboloid-type reflector with a dual-channel
feedhorn and a
polarizer assembly providing
monopulse-type radiation and reception of X-band
rf pulses. The horizontal shape of the laminated
fiberglass reflector is cosecanted. The dual-channel
feedhorn and polarizer are fixed in circular polarization
by an external grid device. The elevation antenna is
stabilized-yoke mounted on the elevation drive
assembly adjacent to the azimuth antenna.
elevation drive provides the required motion for the
elevation antenna and locks electrically with the search
drive when the radar set operates in the precision
The radar operates in three modes, final, surveil-
lance, and simultaneous, with each antenna acting
In the final (precision) mode, the
azimuth antenna scans a 30-degree sector (60-degree
sector optional) while the elevation antenna scans a
10-degree sector (35-degree sector optional). In the
surveillance mode the azimuth antenna rotates through
the full 360-degree search pattern at 16 rpm while
the elevation antenna scans a 10-degree sector. In
the simultaneous mode, the azimuth antenna rotates
through the full 360-degrees search pattern in
60-degree increments while the elevation antenna scans
a 10-degree sector.
The data rate in this mode is
approximately 16 azimuth sweeps and 24 elevation
sweeps every 60 seconds.
The antenna pedestal control stabilizes the azimuth
and elevation antennas for plus or minus 3 degrees
of pitch and plus or minus 10 degrees of roll.
Although radio frequency emissions are usually
harmless, there are still certain safety precautions you
should follow whenever you are near high-power rf
sources. Normally, electromagnetic radiation from
transmission lines and antennas isnt strong enough
to electrocute personnel. However, it may lead to other
accidents and can compound injuries. Voltages may
be induced into metal objects both above and below
ground, such as wire guys, wire cable, hand rails, and
ladders. If you come into contact with these objects,
you may receive a shock or an rf burn. The shock
can cause you to jump involuntarily, to fall into nearby
equipment, or, when working aloft, to fall from the
elevated work area. Take care to ensure that all
transmission lines or antennas are de-energized before
working on or near them.
When working aloft aboard ship, be sure to use
a working aloft chit. This will ensure that all radiators,
not only those on your own ship but also those nearby
are secured while you are aloft.
ALWAYS obey rf radiation warning signs and
keep a safe distance from radiating antennas. The
six types of warning signs for rf radiation hazards are
shown in figure 2-49.
The two primary safety concerns associated with
rf fields are rf burns and injuries caused by dielectric
Close or direct contact with rf transmission lines
or antennas may result in rf burns caused by induced
voltages. These burns are usually deep, penetrating,
third-degree burns. To heal properly, rf burns must
heal from the inside toward the skins surface. Do
NOT take rf burns lightly. To prevent infection, you
must give proper attention to ALL rf burns, including
the small pinhole burns. ALWAYS seek treatment
for any rf burn or shock and report the incident to
your supervisor so appropriate action can be taken
to correct the hazard.
While the severity of rf burns may vary from minor
to major, burns or other damage done by DIELEC-
TRIC HEATING may result in long-term injury, or
even death. Dielectric heating is the heating of an
insulating material caused by placing it in a
high-frequency electric field. The heat results from
the rapid reversal of molecular polarization dielectric
When a human is in an rf field, the body acts as
the dielectric. If the power in the rf field exceeds 10
milliwatts per centimeter, the individual will have a
noticeable rise in body temperature. Basically, the
body is cooking in the rf field. The vital organs