To simplify addressing, reading, and
writing operations, magnetic cores are
arranged in which of the following ways?
1. In hierarchical patterns
2. In matrices
3. In planes
4. In stacks
Which core in an array will be switched
from one state to another?
1. A core with a full read or write current
passing through it
2. A core with a half read current passing
through it
3. A core with a half write current
passing through it
4. A core with a half read or write
passing through it
In a core array the inhibit line is threaded
with the x or y drives
(series, parallel)
lines and the sense line threaded through
(each, every other)
1. (a) Series (b) each
2. (a) Parallel (b) each
3. (a) Series (b) every other
4. (a) Parallel (b) every other
What is the basic building block of the
memory stack?
1. Matrix
2. Array
3. Plane
4. Quadrant
The address register bits are used to
translate the bits to make which of the
following bit selections?
1. Stack only
2. Inhibit upper and lower stack only
3. X and Y primary, secondary, and
diode only
4. X and Y primary, secondary, and
diode; stack; and inhibit upper and
lower stack
Which selectors are activated only when
writing zeros?
1. Inhibit
2. X and Y primary
3. X and Y secondary
4. X and Y read/write diode
In a core read/write cycle, the read current
is designed to change the state of the
core(s) to (a) what value; and the write
current is designed to change the state of
the core(s) from (b) what value to (c) what
1. (a) Zero (b) zero (c) one
2. (a) Zero (b) one (c) one
3. (a) One (b) zero (c) one
4. (a) One (b) one (c) one
The process of reading cores to the zero
state is known as which of the following
types of readout?
1. Destructive readout
2. Non-destructive readout
3. Volatile readout
4. Nonvolatile readout