Figure 3-37.Time-Division Multiplexer TD-1150/USC.
multiplexing of several digital data sources over one
satellite channel. This allows platforms equipped with
the TD-1271B/U and proper RT equipment to time-
share the satellite channel. Each multiplexer has four
I/O ports for connecting baseband equipment and four
remote request and status display units. The TD-
1271 B/U interfaces with RT equipment on a 70-MHz
IF. Outputs from the unit also control the frequency
and synchronize the transmit and receive timing of the
radio. A TD-1271B/U is shown in figure 3-38.
Figure 3-39.Multiplexer (Mini-DAMA) AN/USC-42(V)
Multiplexer (Mini-DAMA)
This unit is currently under development, with
technical and operational evaluation to take place
soon. Mini-DAMA is compatible and interoperable
with the TD-1271B/U and will perform or eliminate all
functions of the AN/WSC-3(V)2/(V)3. A Mini-
DAMA unit is shown in figure 3-39.
Cryptographic Equipment
Several different models of cryptographic
equipment are used in the FLTSATCOM system.
Figure 3-38.Multiplexer (DAMA) TD-1271B/U.