low-level teletype equipment. A receive system is
shown in figure 3-24.
Figure 3-24.Typical receive-only system.
The receiver system includes up to four AS-
2815/SSR-1 antennas with an Amplifier Convertor
AM/6534/SSR-1 (fig. 3-25). It also includes a
Combiner-Demodulator MD-900/SSR-1 (fig. 3-26)
and a Demultiplexer TD-1063/SSR-1 (fig. 3-27). The
antenna and convertors are mounted above deck in
positions that ensure that at least one antenna is always
in view of the satellite. The combiner-demodulator and
demultiplexer are mounted below deck.
The receiver accepts rf signals between 240 MHz
and 340 MHz, a modulation bandwidth of 25 kHz. The
combiner-demodulator demodulates the rf input from
the amplifier convertor and provides a 1200-bps output
for the demultiplexer. The demultiplexer accepts an
input of 1200 bps and outputs 15 channels at 75 bps.
The decrypted demultiplexer output is patched to
NAVMACS, TACINTEL processors, or tele-
SATCOM antennas will be discussed in volume 7
of this training series.
Figure 3-25.Receiving Antenna AS-2815/SSR-1 and Amplifier
Converters AM-6534/SSR-1.