recovery capabilities. A typical switchboard will
provide the following interconnections:
The Link-11 data terminal set to one or more
HF radio sets to provide the standard HF Link-11
A Link-11 data terminal set to one or more
UHF radios sets to provide UHF Link-11 capability
The same communications switchboard may also
be used for connecting a Link-4A data terminal set to
one or more UHF radios to provide standard UHF
Link-4A (TADIL C) capability. Link-4A is covered
in detail later in this book.
The Link-11 system can operate with either an HF
radio or a UHF radio. Long-range communications
are achieved by the use of the HF system. UHF
communications are limited to line of sight. Line of
sight means the radio wave will not bend over the
horizon; therefore, the use of an antenna mounted
high on the mast will increase the range of UHF
Antenna Couplers
Antenna couplers are used to connect a specific
radio set to a specific antenna. The coupler provides
for the correct impedance matching of the antenna and
the radio set. For many of the multicouplers to work
properly, it is extremely important that the correct
frequency spacing be observed. A general rule is to
ensure a frequency spacing of 15 percent.
Frequencies that are too close together can cause
interference and distortion, increasing the signal-to-
noise ratio and causing bit errors in the data.
In oversimplifying the theory of antenna
operation, an antenna is just a piece of wire that
radiates electromagnetic energy from the radio into
t h e a t m o s p h e r e a n d c o n v e r t s a t m o s p h e r ic
electromagnetic radiation into RF current to be
processed by the radio. As electromagnetic energy
from the atmosphere passes through this wire, it
induces a current in the wire. This current is fed to
the radio receiver. If the receiver is tuned to the same
frequency as the received signal, the signal can be
p r o c e s s e d . T h e s a m e w i r e w i l l r a d i a t e an
electromagnetic field if current is flowing through it.
The frequency at which a radio operates
determines what size antenna is most suitable for
transmitting and receiving. The higher the frequency,
the smaller the antenna will be. Lower frequencies
require larger antennas. For example, the full-wave
length of an antenna designed to operate at 4 MHz is
about 250 feet long. Since this length is too large for
shipboard application, antennas are designed in
submultiple lengths. These include half-wave and
quarter-wave antennas. An antenna can be tuned by
introducing a capacitive or inductive load. This
loading effectively changes the electrical length of the
antenna and can be used to extend the frequency range
of the antenna. For more information on antenna
design and operation, refer to the Navy Electricity and
Electronics Training Series, Module 10, Introduction
To Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and
Antennas, NAVEDTRA B72-10-00-93.
Transmission Cycle
The data flow for the Link-11 transmission cycle
is shown in figure 4-4. The CDS computer receives
data from the various ships sensors, navigation
systems, and operator entries, and stores this data in a
data base. When a Link-11 transmission is required,
the computer outputs parallel digital data through the
SGS computer to the cryptographic device. The
cryptographic device encrypts the data and sends the
encrypted data to the data terminal set (DTS). The
DTS converts the digital data to analog audio tones,
keys the transmitter using the radio set keyline, and
passes the audio tones, via the communications
switchboard, to the transmitter for modulation to the
RF carrier signal. The radio set keyline is a signal that
switches the radio to transmit mode when the set and
receive mode when clear.
When you are using the HF band, the radio
frequency signal modulation uses amplitude
modulation independent sideband; that is, the upper
sideband (USB) and lower sideband (LSB) are
transmitted independently in an effort to overcome
propagation-caused signal losses. The UHF radio