the members of the net. Once manually initiated, the
transmission will continue to be sent automatically
until the operator manually stops it. Through the use
of the broadcast mode, other picket stations can
receive real-time tactical information without
breaking radio silence.
Short Broadcast
In the Short Broadcast mode, a picket station or
the NCS sends a data transmission to the other
members of the net. The transmission is initiated by
the operator depressing the TRANSMIT START
button on the DTS control panel and is terminated
automatically when the computer has finished sending
the DTS data. This mode is used only when no other
unit is transmitting.
Radio Silence
In the Radio Silence mode, the radio set key line
and the data terminal set audio output are disabled.
The receive capability of the DTS is not affected. The
Radio Silence mode is manually initiated and
Information transmitted from the DTS originates
from two sources. Tactical data always originates
from the CDS computer. Other information,
including the preamble, phase reference, start and
stop codes, and address frames, originates within the
data terminal set. These additional special-purpose
frames are added to the data frames to form the proper
For the DTS to control the net properly, strict
adherence to the correct message format and net
protocol are required. Every Link-11 message has a
specific format and function. Each Link-11 message
generated by the DTS begins with a header consisting
of the preamble (five frames) and the p h a se
reference frame (one frame). Control codes, such as
the start code, the picket stop code, and the control
stop code, are also required.
The preamble, as previously covered, consists of
a two-tone signal. The two tones are the 605-Hz
Doppler tone and the 2,915-Hz sync tone. The
preamble is five frames long and is transmitted at four
times the normal power, as shown in figure 4-5.
Normal power for the 605-Hz Doppler tone is +6 dB
and the data tones, including the 2,915-Hz tone, is 0
dB. During the preamble, the 605-Hz tone is
transmitted at +12 dB, and the 2,915-Hz sync tone is
transmitted at +6 dB. The sync tone is shifted 180
degrees for each frame to allow the receiving DTS to
detect frame transitions.
Figure 4-5.The Link-11 preamble power levels and
frame count.
Phase Reference Frame
The phase reference frame follows the preamble
and is shown in figure 4-6. This frame is composed
of the normal 16-tone composite signal with the data
tones transmitted at 0 dB and the Doppler tone
transmitted at +6 dB. Since the two bits of data stored
in a tone is based on a certain phase shift in respect to
the preceding frame, the phase reference frame
provides the reference for the first frame of data.
Each succeeding frame becomes the phase reference
for the following frame.