Figure 7-12.-MEASURE Format 310.
4. If changes in equipment status are not reflected
on the new monthly Format 310 within 60 days
of the transaction date, resubmit necessary
MEASURE METER cards (hand scribed) to
correct the discrepancy, or contact the Readiness
Support Group (RSG) (Atlantic Fleet) or the
Maintenance Coordinating Center (MCC)
MEASURE coordinator for assistance.
Requesting Calibration
If you know and follow the detailed procedures
outlined by your TYCOM, METCAL group, and area
MOCC for calibration of test equipment, you will
have serviced and calibrated test equipment available
when you need it. You can find flow charts and area
charts for calibration requests of the Atlantic and
Pacific Fleets in the Electronic Test Equipment
Calibration Program Indoctrination Handbook,
NAVMAT P-9491.
The following steps for requesting calibration are
general, but they should apply in most cases:
1. Read and familiarize yourself with the
instructions concerning test equipment
calibration procedures set forth in your TYCOM
maintenance manual, and the MEASURE Users
Use MEASURE products to determine the
calibration due dates.
For items scheduled for calibration or items to
be calibrated, perform MIP T-1, MRC R-1.
If an item does not checkout with T-1 and R-1,
tag the equipment and note the malfunction.
Either repair the inoperable equipment
yourself or have your technicians repair it.
Calibration activities are not required to
accept equipment that is not in an operable
condition. If you are unable to repair the
equipment, send it to a repair facility
accompanied by a job order or work request
specifying exactly what is wrong.
If your ship has a field calibration activity (FCA)
on board, perform calibration on equipment
within your calibration package capability. Type
commanders stress that calibration must be done
at the lowest level and that it be closely