METCAL program structure and the hierarchy of
calibration standards facilities.
Refer to Electronics Installation and Maintenance
Book, Test Equipment, NAVSEA SE000-00-EIM-040,
chapter 1, for explanations of the calibration echelons
shown in figures 7-10 and 7-11.
Calibration Services
Now lets take a look at an important calibration
program called the Metrology Automated System for
Uniform Recall and Reporting (MEASURE) program.
The MEASURE program is an automated data
processing system designed to provide a standardized
system for the recall and scheduling of test equipment
into calibration facilities. It was developed to support
the Department of the Navy METCAL Program in an
effort to ensure that all equipment requiring calibration
and servicing is submitted to a calibration activity on a
timely basis and, thus, is maintained to maximum
dependability. In addition, the system provides
documentation of actions performed by the calibration
The initial cycle of MEASURE begins with the
completion of the inventory forms for equipment held
by an activity. Refer to the Metrology Automated
System for Uniform Recall and Reporting
(MEASURE) Users Manual, OPNAV 43P6A,
Appendix A, for completion instructions on the
MEASURE TMDE inventory form. These forms are
forwarded to the cognizant MEASURE data
processing facility (DPF) to establish the database.
The activity holding the test equipment is then
provided a printed inventory and a set of preprinted
Metrology Equipment Recall and Report (METER)
cards. Refer to the Metrology Automated System for
Uniform Recall and Reporting (MEASURE) Users
Manual, OP 43P6A, Appendix B, for an explanation
on the use and information contained on the METER
card. The MEASURE cycle is completed when the
cognizant METCAL representative provides recall
schedules to the activity holding the test equipment
and to the calibration activities. As equipment is
gained or lost, more inventory forms and METER
cards are processed or deleted, the database is kept
current, and the system continues to cycle.
Through the submission of METER cards, each
activity must promptly update its recorded inventory;
that is, the inventory data maintained in the computer
database by the MEASURE Operational Control Center
(MOCC), and the Control Database Facility (CDBF),
Concord, California. In this way, calibration
requirements can be projected in enough time to permit
their incorporation into the next recall schedule. If the
inventory is not updated promptly, new activity items
will have to be rescheduled or be submitted to a
calibration activity for unscheduled calibration by the
cognizant METCAL representative.
The MEASURE program provides management
personnel with a wide variety of valuable information
on fleet readiness, calibration problems, budget and
funding, and many other topics.
MEASURE products and formats have been
designed to meet the information requirements of
several levels of management. Many MEASURE
formats are forwarded automatically by the MOCC or
CDBF to the activities on a regular basis. Such
distribution is based upon the type and level of those
activities and upon established requirements. Others,
however, are available only upon the receipt of an
approved request from the cognizant METCAL
representative. Accordingly, activities needing a
particular format that they do not receive automatically
should forward the requirement to the cognizant
METCAL representative for approval. Any such request
should include a justification of the need for the format
and a statement indicating the frequency at which the
format is required.
Refer to the Metrology Automated System for
Uniform Recall and Reporting (MEASURE) Users
Manual, OP 43P6A, Appendix J, for information on
MEASURE formats and their distribution intervals.
Format 310 (fig. 7-1 2) is, by far, the MEASURE
programs best management tool for the test equipment
coordinators use in managing the commands test
equipment inventory.
To make the best use of this tool, your unit should
take the following actions:
Have the test equipment coordinator thoroughly
review the Format 310 each month.
Annotate the Format 310 as status changes occur
for equipments that have been calibrated,
deleted, are in repair, have been added to
inventory, delayed, surveyed, inactivated, and so
on, during the month.
Carry these annotations forward to the next
monthly Format 310, until the change is
reflected on a new Format 310.