these other odd cog items are new requirements
or an increase to allowance, NAVSEA COSAL
funds will be charged. Again, you requisition
these items through supply on a DD Form 1348.
GPETE Assets Screening Program (GASP)
The GASP deals with the excesses and deficiencies
of the fleet. When a ship has excess GPETE, it should
turn the excess into the redistribution center for possible
reissue. In turn, ships that have a deficiency of GPETE
should first check with GASP via the TYCOM to fill
that deficiency. The redistribution center has the
equipment calibrated, repaired, and made ready for
issue. (Any equipment not economically repairable is
turned into supply for disposition.)
Now that we have discussed how to maintain an
accurate inventory of allowed test equipment, we will
present the somewhat complex Test Equipment
Calibration Program. As a senior Electronics
Technician, you will be required (both directly and
indirectly) to ensure that the test equipment package is
maintained in good working order and is properly
calibrated. The Navy Metrology and Calibration
(METCAL) Program was instituted to help provide
calibration facilities so that sophisticated equipment,
precise standards, and laboratory conditions would be
Calibration Activities
Various echelons of calibration activities were
established to ensure that both operational and test
equipments meet their calibration requirements. These
echelons are integrated so that each level activity has
traceable standards tied to the highest standards
available for calibration. Figures 7-10 and 7-11 show the
Figure 7-11.-Hierarchy of calibration standards facilities.