canceled and will be subject to normal follow-up
casualty reporting procedures.
A casualty category (2, 3, or 4) is associated with
each reported equipment casualty to reflect the urgency
or priority of the casualty. The casualty category,
although not a readiness rating, is directly related to the
units Equipment Status Resource-Specific Categories
[explained in chapters 5 and 6 of NWP 10-1-11, Status
of Resources and Training System (SORTS)] in primary
and secondary missions that are affected by the casualty.
NAVEDTRACOM activities use four casualty
categories (1, 2, 3, or 4). In this chapter we discuss only
non-NAVEDTRACOM activities.
The casualty category (2, 3, or 4) is based upon the
specific casualty situation being reported and may not
of CASREP. Follow-up CASREP messages (UPDATE,
CORRECT, or CANCEL) will reference the INITIAL
CASREP message DTG.
Because of the importance and priority of CASREP
message transmission, your CASREP messages must be
transmitted even under MINIMIZE conditions. Use
standard naval telecommunications systems (NTS)
service procedures in correcting any messages having
transmission errors.
Each type of CASREP has own its reporting criteria,
which we have described below.
necessarily agree with the units overall readiness status.
The casualty category is reported in the CASUALTY set
Any time you prepare an INITIAL CASREP,
(section of the CASREP) and is required in all
remember the following criteria:
1. Submit only one initial casualty in the INITIAL
Figure 5-2 shows a decision logic tree that provides
CASREP; if some of the required data is not available
a logical approach in determining the casualty category
at reporting time, use your best estimate in the INITIAL
and whether or not a CASREP is required. Figure 5-3
CASREP and correct your estimate as soon as possible
shows the criteria for determining the casualty category.
2. In an Initial CASREP, identify, to the appropriate
level of detail, the status of the equipment, parts, and
A CASREP message consists of one or more sets
that contain the information required to report the
particular casualty. These data sets are preceded by a
standard Navy message header consisting of
precedence, addresses, and classification. Specific
guidelines for both the message header and data sets to
be used are contained in chapter 4 of NWP 10-1-10,
Operational Reports. Detailed information for typing
each type of casualty report (INITIAL, UPDATE,
CORRECT, and CANCEL), with examples of CASREP
situations for each type, is also provided.
The CASREP message is always serialized with the
MSGID (message identification) set, that appears
immediately after the message classification line. The
serial numbers are sequential from 1 through 999 for
each CASREP originated by a unit. These serial
numbers are not repeated until a new sequence of
numbers 1 through 999 has begun. A new sequence of
numbers starts after the unit has submitted CASREP
message number 999.
The date-time group (DTG) of the CASREP
message transmission is the effective time (as of time)
assistance requirements. This is essential to allow
operational and staff authorities to apply the proper
priority to necessary resources.
3. You may also submit an Initial CASREP if you
only need outside assistance; i.e., no parts are required
to correct the equipment casualty.
4. When a casualty results from inadequate
general-purpose electronic test equipment (GPETE) or
preventive maintenance (PMS), list the affected system
as the subject of the INITIAL CASREP, and report
GPETE or PMS as the cause in an AMPN
(Amplification) data set.
5. Use an ASSIST data set to report whether or not
you need outside assistance to repair an equipment
6. When you need assistance or parts to repair a
casualty, report schedule information in the RMKS set
for a full 30-day period, beginning on the earliest date
that you can receive the assistance or parts. You may also
report any effect the casualty is expected to have on your
units employment during the 30-day period.