wartime. Our electronic equipment and systems
sometimes do not cooperate with us, resulting in a
down or reduced status that decreases our ability to
complete our mission. Electronic equipment and
systems are vast, with different types, configurations,
and quantities of equipment, using a tremendous
number of different components, modules, and other
items. Because the equipment and systems are so
numerous and complex, you sometimes will not have
enough present or properly trained personnel or the
required parts on board to repair a casualty; or you may
need technical assistance to correct the casualty. These
situations are some of the many reasons the Navy has
developed a system of casualty reporting (CASREP)
and monitoring. With this system, you as a supervisor
and technician, can let the Navy managers know where
you need help (such as parts or assistance) so you can
have your equipment or system on line and combat
The casualty report (CASREP) has been designed
to support the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and
fleet commanders in the management of assigned
forces. The effective use and support of U.S. Navy units
and organizations require an up-to-date, accurate
operational status for each unit. An important part of
operational status is equipment casualty information.
When casualties are reported, operational commanders
and support personnel are made aware of significant
equipment malfunctions that may degrade a units
readiness. The CASREP also identifies the units need
for technical assistance or replacement parts to correct
the casualty. Once a CASREPis reported, the CNO, fleet
commanders in chief (FLTCINCs), and the Ships Parts
Control Center (SPCC) receive a hard copy of the
CASREP message. Additionally, the CASREP message
is automatically entered into the Navy status of forces
database at each FLTCINC site, and corrected messages
are forwarded to the CNOs database.
As initial, update, correction, and cancellation
CASREPs are submitted, managers are able to monitor
the current status of each outstanding casualty. Through
the use of high-speed computers, managers are able to
collect data concerning the history of malfunctions and
effects on readiness. This data is essential to the
maintenance and support of units dispersed throughout
the world.
Unit commanders must be aware that alerting
seniors to their units operational limitations, brought
about by equipment casualties, is as important as
expediting the receipt of replacement parts and
obtaining technical assistance. Both of these CASREP
functions are needed to provide the information required
to command and control U.S. Navy forces and to
maintain the units in a truly combat ready status. Support
from every level, including intermediate and unit
commanders, is essential to maintaining the highest
level of combat readiness throughout the Navy.
A casualty is defined as an equipment malfunction
or deficiency that cannot be corrected within 48 hours
and that fits any of the following categories:
Reduces the units ability to perform a primary
Reduces the units ability to perform a secondary
Reduces a training commands ability to perform
its mission, or a significant segment of its mission, and
cannot be corrected or adequately accommodated
locally by rescheduling or double-shifting lessons or
The CASREP system contains four different types
of reports: INITIAL, UPDATE, CORRECT, and
CANCEL. These reports are submitted using a
combination of two or more messages, depending on the
situation and contributing factors. The four types of
reports are described as follows:
1. The INITIAL CASREP identifies, to an
appropriate level of detail, the status of the casualty and
parts or assistance requirements. Operational staff
authorities need this information to set proper priorities
for the use of resources.
2. The UPDATE CASREP contains information
similar to that submitted in the Initial report and is used
to submit changes to previously submitted information,
3. The CORRECT CASREP is submitted when
equipment that has been the subject of casualty reporting
is repaired and back in operational condition.
4. The CANCEL CASREP is submitted at the
beginning of an availability period when equipment that
has been previously reported is scheduled to be repaired
during the availability. Outstanding casualties that will
not be repaired during the availability will not be