has circuit integrity, vital circuits remain energized
Look at table 2-2, which shows the various
longer, allowing you to setup alternate sources of power.
classifications for cables used in power, lighting,
control, electronic, and communication and
Armored Cable
The term armored cable refers to a cable that has an
Watertight Cable
outer shield of weaved braid. The braid is made of
aluminum or steel and applied around the impervious
The term watertight cable indicates standard cable
sheath of the cable. This weaved braid serves only as
in which all spaces under the impervious sheath are
physical protection for the vinyl cable jacket during the
filled with material. This eliminates voids and prevents
initial installation of the cable. Thereafter, it serves no
the flow of water through the cable by hose action if an
useful purpose.
open end of cable is exposed to water under pressure.
Nonflexing Service Cable
Circuit Integrity
Nonflexing service cable, designed for use aboard
The term circuit integrity indicates the cable has
ship, is intended for permanent installation, Cables used
been constructed in such a way as to provide added
with lighting and power circuits are intended for
protection that will allow it to function for a longer
nonflexing service. Nonflexing service can be further
period of time while under fire conditions. Because it
Table 2-2.--Cable Classifications