Table 2-1.--Low-Smoke Cable Identification
You should note that there are only two changes to
the cable designation, the LS and U/A additions to the
cable identification.
Cables must have the ability to withstand heat, cold,
Most cables and cords contain a continuous, thin,
dampness, dryness, bending crushing, vibration,
moisture-resistant marker tape directly under the cable
or cord binder tape or jacket at less than 1-foot intervals.
twisting, and shock because of the varied service
This tape contains the following information
conditions aboard ship. No one type of cable has been
designed to meet all of these requirements; therefore, a
1. The name and location of the manufacturer
variety of types are used in a shipboard cable
2. The year of manufacture; the military
specification number of the cable
Cables are classified as watertight or nonwatertight,
3. The progressive serial number. The serial
watertight or nonwatertight with circuit integrity
number is not necessarily a footage marker. A
construction, and armored or unarmored. They are
serial number is not repeated by a manufacturer
further classified as being nonflexing service, flexing
in anyone year for anyone type and size of cable
service, and special purpose.
or cord.