special training. A Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC)
coding system identifies the personnel who have this
No single publication can give you all the
special training.
information you need to perform the duties of your rate.
You should learn where to look for accurate, up-to-date
information on all subjects related to the military
requirements for advancement and the professional
qualifications of your rating.
What you can do is indicated by your rate.
However, it does not show any of your special skills
Some of the publications described here change
within or outside your rating. NECs show specific
from time to time. When using any publication that is
qualifications that are not shown by the rate designation.
subject to change or revision, be sure you have the latest
The NEC identifies special qualifications by using a
four-digit number. The qualification considered the
You cannot depend on printed material alone.
most important is identified by the first code number.
Much of your learning comes from watching
The qualification of secondary importance is shown by
experienced personnel and practicing your skills.
the second code number. You get NECs by completing
special on-the-job training (OJT) or through the
Naval Education and Training Publications
successful completion of a class "C" school.
Some of the NECs that maybe assigned to qualified
The Naval Education and Training Program
EMs are as follows:
Management Support Activity (NETPMSA) produces
TRAMANS and NRTCs. These are used as references
EM-- 4613 IMA Outside Electrical Journeyman
and for advancement purposes. NETPMSA also
EM-- 4615 Electric Motor Rewinder
produces the Bibliography for Advancement Study,
EM-- 4632 Auxiliaries Electrical System Tech-
Navy Training Manuals
EM-- 4666 Minesweeping Electrician
The TRAMANs will help you gain the knowledge
EM-- 4668 and 4669 Unrep Electrical Component
you need to do your job and to advance. Some
TRAMANs share general information, and personnel in
EM-- 4671 Shipboard Elevator Electronic/Elec-
many ratings use them. Others, such as the EM, are
trical System Maintenance Technician
specific to a particular rating.
EM-- 4672 Steam Catapult Electrician
You can tell whether a TRAMAN is the latest
edition by checking the NAVEDTRA number. The
EM-- 4673 Lamps Mk III Rast/Hrs Electrical Main-
letter following the number is the most recent edition of
the TRAMAN, and it is listed in the Catalog of
EM-- 4707 Machinery Systems Console Mainte-
Nonresident Training Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.
nance Technician
Navy Electricity and Electronics
Training Series
Personnel in many electrical- and electronic-related
Advancement is important. Many rewards of Navy
life come through the advancement system. Some
Training series (NEWS). NEETS gives beginners
rewards are easy to see-more pay, more interesting and
fundamental electrical and electronic concepts through
challenging job assignments, and greater respect from
a self-study method NEETS material is not oriented to
officers and enlisted personnel. Also, you enjoy the
any specific rating structure.
satisfaction of getting ahead in your chosen Navy career.
The NEETS series is divided into modules that
As an EM, you perform both military and
professional duties. The military requirements and
contain related information organized in traditional
paths of instruction. Modules 1 through 20 provide a
professional qualifications for all ratings of the Navy are
training package within the broad fields of electricity
listed in NAVPERS 18068.