12. Identify the use and stages of a counseling
Your knowledge and skill make our modem Navy
possible. Navy training manuals (TRAMANs) help you
develop your technical skills. By learning the
13. Recognize the need for training within the
information in this manual and gaining practical
division, the department and the command.
experience on the job, you will prepare yourself for a
14. Recognize the purpose of training forms and
successful and rewarding Navy career. The Navy's
records and identify their use to track and
training system helps you learn the duties of the next
monitor training.
higher grade in your rating. To advance in rate, you
must demonstrate your performance on the job. You
must master the required skills and compete in
Navywide advancement exams for the next higher
As an Electrician's Mate (EM) you work with
motors, generators, power and lighting distribution
systems, and a wide variety of test equipment. Your
training for the EM rates includes electronics and
Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able
electrical theory, fundamentals of motor and generator
to do the following:
operation, alarms, sensors, and other electrical
equipment. To do your job, you use handtools and
1. Identify various NECs of the EM rating.
electrical measuring equipment to troubleshoot
2. Recognize the purpose of blueprints and
electrical systems. Also, you use blueprints and
schematic diagrams to understand the performance of
an electrical circuit.
3. Recognize the basic safety requirements for
The EM rating is a general rating and is not divided
4. Identify the safety procedures to follow when
into service ratings. An example of a service rating is
working on or with various tools, equipment,
the Gas Turbine Systems Technician (GS). The rating
and machinery.
is divided into two service ratings-the GSE, who
maintains the electrical support equipment, and the
5. Identify various sources of information about
GSM, who maintains the mechanical or turbine portion
of the system.
6. Identify basic first-aid procedures to use on
The EM rating is geared to shipboard duties;
electrical shock victims.
therefore, there are EMs on most naval vessels. Ashore,
7. Recognize the purpose of the Navy's Hearing
EMs may work in their rating in a repair facility or as
Conservation and Noise Abatement, Heat
an instructor. Sometimes, EMs work outside their rating
Stress, and Hazardous Material programs.
in a duty such as shore patrol or recruiting.
8. Identify various warning tags, signs, and plates.
The requirements for advancement are outlined in
the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
9. Recognize the purpose for equipment tag-out
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
NAVPERS 18068. By meeting these requirements, an
10. I d e n t i f y t h e s t a n d a r d o r g a n i z a t i o n o f
EM assigned to any ship in the fleet is qualified to
engineering departments aboard ship.
perform all assigned duties. Some ships have special
11. Recognize the responsibilities of various
equipment, such as complex degaussing systems on
minesweepers. On this type of equipment, EMs require
personnel in the engineering department.