following paragraphs, you will learn about periodicals
and electronics. Module 21 presents general
that should be of interest to you.
information on the fundamental concepts of test
methods and practices. Module 22 gives an
The periodical Deckplate is published by NAVSEA.
It has useful articles on all aspects of shipboard
engineering. It supplements and clarifies information
contained in the Naval Ship's Technical Manual and
presents information on new developments.
The periodical Fathom (surface ship and submarine
The Department of the Navy Information and
safety review), published quarterly by the Naval Safety
Personnel Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST
Center, provides accurate and current information on
5510.1, is the basic directive for administering the
nautical accident prevention
Information Security Program throughout the
The Electronics information Bulletin (EIB) is
Department of the Navy (DON). The program ensures
published biweekly by NAVSEA. Articles in the EIB
the protection of official DON information that relates
contain advance information on field changes,
to national security. It also provides the necessary
installation techniques, maintenance notes, beneficial
instructions and policy guidance for the DON. The
suggestions, and technical manual distribution. Articles
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.
of lasting interest are included in the Electronics
Navy also contains basic information for the ship's
Installation and Maintenance Book (EIMB). The
security practices.
EIMB is a single-source reference document of
maintenance and repair policies, installation practices,
and overall electronics equipment and material-
handling procedures. The EIMB is used to implement
Much of your work is routine; however, you always
the major policies found in the NSTM, chapter 400.
face new problems and need to lookup information to
solve them. The engineering legroom on your ship
should contain a comprehensive technical library. The
books in this library are primarily for the engineer
Blueprints are reproduced copies of mechanical,
officer's use, but you will have occasion to use them.
electrical, or other types of technical drawings. Navy
You can find manufacturers' technical manuals for most
electrical prints are used by the EM to install, maintain,
of the equipment in the ship in the legroom library.
and repair shipboard electrical equipment and systems.
These technical manuals are a valuable source of
information on maintenance instructions, overhaul
To interpret shipboard electrical prints, you must be
instructions, inspection procedures, parts lists,
able to recognize the graphic symbols for electrical
illustrations, and diagrams.
diagrams and the equipment symbols for electrical
wiring. For information on blueprint reading and
The "encyclopedia" of Navy engineering, Naval
drawings, refer to Blueprint Reading and Sketching,
Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM), contains the latest
NAVEDTRA 10077-F1.
accepted engineering practices. The NSTM is a
publication of the Naval Sea Systems Command
(NAVSEA). The NSTM provides technical information
that helps fleet personnel manage ships, shipboard
machinery, and equipment to achieve optimum
The material discussed next stresses the importance
performance and readiness for any assigned mission.
of electrical and general safety precautions. The two
main purposes of safety are to protect personnel and to
ensure that unwanted equipment operations do not
Periodicals are publications such as magazines and
occur. You have the responsibility to recognize unsafe
newsletters published at stated intervals. In the Navy,
conditions and to take appropriate actions to correct any
discrepancies. You must always follow safety
most periodicals serve as training and public relations
media; that is, they instruct and build morale.
precautions when working on equipment or operating
machinery. Preventing accidents that are avoidable will
help you in the Navy and possibly determine whether or
various units, discuss current happenings, and
not you survive.
frequently respond to questions and complaints. In the