use and the speed of the ship is high, the ship will have
After the boiler is secured, the fireroom watch
should run down the water to the steaming level, relight
to be slowed. If only one blower is in use, its failure will
fires, and bring the boiler back on the line.
necessitate securing the boiler until another blower can
be started. If there is only one boiler furnishing steam
Low Water
to a space, the MM should cross-connect the space and
take steam from another boiler.
The fireroom casualty low water in boiler also
requires that the affected boiler be secured. It is not
necessary to trip the ship's service generator as in the
Loss of Fuel Oil Suction
case of high water unless the boiler is secured.
However, speed in cross-connecting is important to
The loss of fuel oil suction will cause boiler
maintain steam to the turbines.
burners to sputter, fires to die out, and possible racing
of the fuel-oil service pump. Upon a loss of fuel oil
Failure of Forced Draft Blower
suction, the following actions should be
Failure of a forced draft blower can be serious,
depending on existing conditions. If two blowers are in