If the turbine has been standing idle for more than
After it has been determined that good oil is
available, the engineers should carry out the procedure
5 minutes without being spun, it is probable that the rotor
has been bowed temporarily. Upon restarting the
for placing a boiler on the line. The engineers should
turbine, vibration may be evident. If so, a brief slowing
then investigate and correct the cause of the trouble and
of the turbine will usually permit the rotor to straighten.
sound the tank to determine the quantity of oil in the
tank. If the oil is above the suction line, the fuel oil is
contaminated or the suction line is clogged. If the fuel
Loss of Lube Oil
oil contains water, the tanks should be sounded or tests
All personnel should know that even a momentary
loss of lubricating oil can result in localized overheating
and probable slight wiping of one or more bearings.
Such wiping may result in only a momentary rise in the
The operational engine room casualties that might
temperature of the lubricating oil discharged from the
occur include excessive vibration of a shaft, vibration of
bearing(s). Damage can be prevented or minimized by
a turbine, loss of lube oil, and many others.
stopping the shaft rotation and quickly restoring the
lubricating oil flow. Continued operation with wiped
Excessive Shaft Vibration
bearings can cause serious derangement to the shaft
packing, oil seals, and blading.
If a shaft develops excessive vibration, watch
personnel should take the following actions:
Upon indication of a loss of lube oil to the main
engine, the following actions should be taken:
The other engine should be speeded up to maintain
speed if the tactical situation requires. If the cause for
Loss of lubricating oil pressure may be caused by
the unusual noise is undetermined, inspect the propeller,
failure of the system itself. This includes failure of the
fairwaters (sleeves), and rope guards at the first
main lubricating oil pumps, failure of steam or electrical
power supply to the main lubricating oil pumps, or
damage to boilers, steam lines, or electrical equipment.
Turbine Vibration
Failure of component parts of the lube oil system
If a turbine begins to vibrate, the individuals on
may be caused by the presence of dirt, rags, or other
watch should take the following actions:
foreign matter. This is usually the result of improper
cleaning. Failure of the system may be caused by a
piping failure, a failure of the operating pump, or failure
of the standby pump to start. Standby pumps should be
maintained ready to start the moment the pressure drops
below a prescribed operating value. If automatic
starting devices are not available on steam-driven
pumps, the pumps should be lined up so that opening
the throttle is the only action required. Steam supply
lines to standby pumps should be drained continuously.
Where electrical pumps are installed, personnel should
be thoroughly familiar with alternate sources of power.