5. Keep the OOD and the engineer officer
risk of greater damage or loss of the ship may occur if
informed of the condition of the main propulsion plant
the affected unit is immediately secured.
and the maximum speed and power available with the
6. Ensure that all directives and procedures issued
by higher authority are observed.
The speed with which corrective action is applied
depends on how well your casualty control organization
7. Know the power requirements for all possible
is set up and on the amount of training that has been
operations. Determine that the boiler and machinery
combinations in use effectively meet current operational
requirements. Advise the engineer officer and the OOD
Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)
use is considered appropriate. Inform the OOD of any
necessary changes in the operation of boilers, main
The EOOW is the officer on watch in charge of the
main propulsion plant and associated auxiliaries. On
8. Supervise the training of the personnel on watch.
most types of ships, the EOOW is normally a senior
To ensure effective training is held, it is necessary for
petty officer. As an EM1 or EMC, you will be primarily
the EOOW to understand specific operation and
responsible for the safe and efficient performance of the
maintenance of engineering plant equipment. Refer to
engineering department watches (except damage
Machinist's Mate 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 12144, chapters
control). The engineer officer determines who is
2, 3, 4, 9, and 10, and Boiler Technician 3 & 2,
qualified to perform the duties of the EOOW, and makes
NAVEDTRA 12140, chapters 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for
his/her recommendation to the CO for final
this information. The EOOW should insist that each
person in charge of an engineering watch station
When the engineer officer considers you qualified
carefully instruct the personnel under their charge in
in all respects, you will be assigned to the watch. The
specific duties and in the duties of all persons on the
engineer officer or, in his/her absence, the MPA is
same watch station.
authorized to direct the EOOW concerning the duties of
9. Perform such other duties as the engineer officer
the watch when such action is necessary. Other duties
may direct. The EOOW reports to the OOD for changes
you should perform as EOOW are listed as follows:
in speed and direction of rotation of the main propulsion
1. Make frequent inspections of the machinery
shafts and for requirements of standby power and other
engineering services anticipated or ordered. The
auxiliaries) in the engineering department to make sure
EOOW reports to the engineer officer for technical
that machinery is being operated under current
control and matters -affecting the administration of the
instructions. Ensure required logs are properly
maintained, machinery and controls are properly
manned, applicable inspections and tests are being
Watch Teams
performed, and all applicable safety precautions are
being observed.
The basic organization for engineering casualty
control is the watch team in each main space.
2. Frequently monitor IC circuits to ensure
required circuits are proper] y reamed. Ensure circuit
Watch teams should be thoroughly organized. Each
discipline is maintained and correct message procedures
person should be assigned duties for watch standing and
and terminology are used.
casualty control for fire, flooding, and setting material
conditions. The petty officer in charge of each team
3. Ensure that all orders received from the OOD
should maintain complete control to avoid confusion
concerning the speed and direction of rotation of the
that could disrupt organization and coordination of the
main propulsion shafts are promptly and properly
executed. Also, ensure the engineering log and the
engineer's bell book are properly maintained.
In effectively controlling engineering casualties, it
4. Immediately execute all emergency orders
is extremely important that information be given to all
stations. The engineer officer must receive brief, clear,
concerning the speed and direction of rotation of the
and concise information from all stations. This
main propulsion shafts.