Figure 5-28.-Signal Data converter, CV-3989/SP
distribution systems.
Organizational maintenance consists of corrective
and preventive maintenance actions. Preventive
maintenance is performed according to the maintenance
requirement cards (MRCs).
Shipboard personnel perform corrective
maintenance (CM) according to the corrective
maintenance sections of the applicable technical
manuals and as reflected by the maintenance code
assigned in the equipment APL. CM may require (1)
removal or replacement of cabinet mounted piece parts;
(2) replacement of components, assemblies, or
sub-assemblies; or (3) repair of certain units, assemblies
or sub-assemblies designated as shipboard repairable.
It may then require turn in of depot repairable
assemblies or sub-assemblies through prescribed supply
All replaceable modules, assemblies, or printed
circuit boards with a high-cost replacement value
(except the CRT and high-voltage power supplies) are
surface search radar or conventional radar display and
designed and constructed to be repairable to component
level replacement.
The Transmitter Transfer Switchboard SB-988/SRT
allows the remote control station functions and signals
to be transferred selective] y to the transmitters. Figure
5-29 shows a transfer switchboard that allows the
functions and controls of any one, or all, of 10 remote
control station functions and signals to be transferred
selectively to any one of six transmitters. Each knob
corresponds to a remote control station and has 8
operating positions. Positions 1 through 6 correspond
to attached transmitters. The seventh position (x)
allows for switching of the transmitters to another
switchboard. The eighth position (OFF) removes the
remote from the system.