Figure 5-29.Transmitter Transfer Switchboard.
The receiver switchboard SB-973/SRT allows
the audio outputs from the receivers to be trans-
ferred to remote control station audio circuits. A
representative receiver transfer switchboard is shown
in figure 5-30.
This switchboard contains 10
seven-position switches. Each switch corresponds
to a remote control station and each switch position
(1 through 5) represents a receiver. Position X allows
the circuits attached to the switch to be transferred to
another switchboard
Figure 5-30.Receiver Transfer Switchboard, SB-973/SRT.
In this chapter, you have been introduced to the
various types of information transfer systems. You have
studied the function and operation of digital
switchboards, digital fire control switchboards, analog
switchboards, radar switchboards, transmit and
receiver transfer switchboards, and maintenance
responsibilities of these equipments. These topics
have provided you with the fundamental knowledge
of their operation so that you will be better pre-
pared to help maintain these systems aboard your
ship. For more detailed explanation of specific
equipment or system, consult the manufacturers
technical manual.