Figure 4-5 is an illustration of a synchro signal
amplifier. Indicator lights for input and output
excitation, servo follow-up, fuses, an alarm switch, and
a dinner switch are mounted on the front of the
amplifier. The indicator lights, when lighted, indicate
that power is available and the servo system is operating.
The 2-amp slow blow fuses are contained in indicators
that light when a fuse blows. The alarm switch silences
the audible alarm during an alarm condition. An audible
alarm will sound for a loss of input or output excitation
and for a servo follow-up error. The dimmer switch
adjusts the brightness of the indicator lights. A heading
dial is also mounted on the back of the panel with a
window for viewing ships heading.
Synchro signal converters are used to increase the
capacity of a synchro signal transmitter system,
converting 60-HZ to 400-HZ synchro transmission,
400-Hz to 60-Hz synchro transmission, and converting
relative bearing signals to true bearing signals.
Additionally, they can convert to a different synchro
speed or frequent y, and isolate reflected oscillations
from the input synchro bus. Synchro signal amplifiers
can be paralleled to increase load capacity.
The AN/WSN-5 inertial navigation sets are
installed on larger, newer shipscruisers and earners.
They continuously indicate the bearing and the zenith,
thus serving as a reference for measuring the ships roll,
pitch, heading, and velocity north and east. The sets are
a motion-sensing system that provides digital data (i.e.,
geographical position; horizonal and vertical velocity;
attitude angle, and rate of heading, roll and pitch), and
analog dual-speed synchro signals (i.e., heading, roll,
pitch, velocity north and velocity east) for use by
ownship equipment.
Two ANWSN-5 sets are usually installed, one in
the forward IC gyro room and one in the aft IC gyro
room. Ships position can be updated automatically by
NAVSAT/NAVSTAR or manually from the keyboard.
The operational program, which resides in the control
power supply, performs the functions necessary to
gather navigation and status data, compute position,
velocity and attitude, and route the data. It processes
this data into a suitable format, and transmits the
formatted data to various combat systems users. Also
the AN/WSN-5 operational program gathers
AN/WRN-5A (V)2 reference data as an additional in-
put for updating the AN/WRN-5 navigation data. The
Figure 4-5.-Synchro signal amplifier,