AN/WSN-5 consists of five major assemblies in an
electrical cabinet:
Control-power supply
Battery set
Synchro signal amplifier
Inertial measuring unit
The AN/WSN-5 supplies the following output
signals: heading (1X, 36X 400Hz), roll and pitch (2X,
36X 400 Hz), velocity north (1X, 10X 400Hz), and
velocity east (1X, 10X 400HZ).
The underwater log system measures and indicates
the speed of the ship in knots and the distance traveled
through the water in nautical miles. Two types of
underwater log systems are currently available,
electro-magnetic and Doppler. We will discuss the
components of the underwater log system.
electro-magnetic type in this chapter. The major
components of this system, as depicted in figure 4-6, are
the sea valve, rodmeter, indicator-transmitter, and
remote control unit.
Mounted in the hull of the ship, the sea valve (fig.
4-7), and packing assembly provides a watertight
support for the rodmeter. It also functions to seal the
hull of the ship when the rodmeter is removed. The sea
valve has no function relating to the production,
transmission, flow, or conversion of data in the
underwater log system.
Figure 4-7.Exploded view of theses valve.