Table 1-1.Frequency Bands.
upper and lower ends of the medium frequency (mf)
Long-range shipboard communications were con-
ducted exclusively in the high-frequency (hf) band, so
a large percentage of shipboard transmitters and re-
ceivers are designed to operate in this band. On board
your command, you may find satellite communica-
tions has pushed hf into aback-up role.
A significant portion of the very-high-frequency
(vhf) band is assigned to the commercial television in-
dustry. Some naval uses of the vhf band are mobile
communications, repeater operation, navigation, am-
phibious and special operations, short range line-of-
sight (LOS) communications, and satellite communi-
The ultra-high-frequency (uhf) band is used exten-
sively by the Navy for LOS and satellite communica-
tions. Mobile communications, radar (over 400 MHz),
and special operations are some other uses.
The super-high-frequency (shf) band is the work-
horse of microwave communications. LOS communi-
Figure 1-2.Frequency spectrum.