NAVMACS and TACINTEL processors for message
screening and printing. (Refer to the discussion of
these two systems.) Weather data is sent directly to
printers after decryption. Ships not equipped with one
or both of these systems will normally output the
broadcast to teletypewriters.
Fleet Broadcast Retransmission
At selected shore stations, fleet Broadcast
message traffic is retransmitted on hf links. These
stations receive the tdm data directly via cable or
The CUDIXS subsystem is a shorebased in-
stallation of processors and peripheral equipment that
provides K link control of the network and processing
at shore installations. Figure 3-3 shows a typical
CUDIXS installation.
NAVMACS is a shipboard message processing
system that automatically guards a minimum of four
broadcast channels, serves as an automated
shipboard terminal for CUDIXS, and provides
accountability for all incoming and outgoing
message processing needs for ships of the fleet.
NAVMACS subscriber terminal equipment is similar to
CUDIXS terminal equipment.
The NAVMACS program is designed to address
the growth requirements in existing installations and
the unique requirements of ships having a high volume
of message traffic. In ships that have a message pro-
cessing and distribution system (MPDS), t h e
NAVMACS processor interacts with the MPDS pro-
cessor. A basic NAVMACS system is shown in fig-
ure 3-4.
NAVMACS reads the headings of incoming
message traffic and separates all messages addressed
to the ship or commands for which it is guarding. The
system compares every addressee on each incoming
first run message against entries in its command guard
list (CGL). When the system finds one or more
matches between addresses on the first run message
and the entries of the CGL, the message is printed
(copied) onto a line printer. If an emergency or Flash
precedence message on a first run is received, it is
printed completely, regardless of whether or not a
match is found. For nonmatches of messages with
precedence lower than Flash, only the heading of the
message is printed.
Together, CUDIXS and NAVMACS provide
improved ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship operational
Figure 3-3.CUDIXS equipment configuration.
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