Figure 3-7.Secure Voice subsystem.
The second method requires a different process
and is used if the channels are busy or if procedures
require this method. For the small ship or submarine, a
voice transmission request must be sent by message to
the Secure Voice controller. A small ship uses the
CUDIXS/NAVMACS network for the message. The
submarine may transmit a voice-channel request
during a random-access time period in the SSIXS. In
both cases, the request is passed from the reception
point ashore to the voice controller. The voice
controller coordinates the voice transmission by
assigning a voice channel, contacting the unit that will
receive the voice transmission, and following through
with the transmission.
Radio Wireline Interface
The Radio Wireline Interface (RWI) w a s
developed to access and interconnect existing and
future Secure Voice subsystems and equipment. It pro-
vides the capability to connect shorebased worldwide