with a basic understanding of how they operate. But
first, we need to discuss FLTSATCOM Shorebased
SATCOM installations at shore terminals operate
from existing naval communications centers and
certain command operations centers. Four Naval
Computer and Telecommunications Area Master
Stations (NCTAMS) have primary responsibility for
naval communications via satellite. They are:
NCTAMS LANT, Norfolk, Virginia
NCTAMS MED, Naples, Italy
NCTAMS WESTPAC, Finegayan, Guam
NCTAMS EASTPAC, Wahiawa, Hawaii
The Naval Computer and Telecommunications
Station (NCTS), San Diego, California, as part of
TADIXS, provides connectivity between NCTAMS
Ten NCTSs are used to retransmit Fleet Broadcast
message traffic via hf links. In addition, an rf terminal
at Yokosuka, Japan, transmits SSIXS and Secure
Voice communications to the western Pacific and
Indian Oceans. Also, there is landline connection
between Japan and NCTAMS WESTPAC to support
TADIXS and OTCIXS transmissions.
Within these facilities, each subsystem consists of
two parts: the baseband equipment (used to collect and
control the transmitted or received communications)
and the rf terminal (used by the baseband system to
transmit and receive via satellite link). Some
subsystems have the baseband equipment and rf
terminals in the same building, while others have the
baseband equipment installed at a remote facility
located some distance from the rf terminal. Most
subsystems use a common rf terminal. However, the
Fleet Broadcast has an rf terminal specifically
designed for that subsystem.
The Fleet Satellite Broadcast Subsystem
provides the capability to transmit Fleet Broadcast
message traffic in a high-level jamming en-
vironment. The subsystem has 15 subchannels of
encrypted message traffic at an input data rate of 75
bps per channel. These subchannels are time-
division multiplexed and are transmitted in a one-
way rf transmission at 1200 bps. The shore terminal
transmits this data on a direct-sequence, spread-
spectrum shf signal to the satellite, where the signal
is translated to uhf and down-linked to the
subscriber. Figure 3-2 shows a block diagram of the
Fleet Satellite Broadcast Subsystem.
The High-Speed Fleet Broadcast (HSFB) is a
planned upgrade to the Fleet Satellite Broadcast
Subsystem. This upgrade will improve broadcast
transmission speed, information through-put (capabil-
ity of equipment to process or transmit data during a
specific period of time), and flexibility.
Message Traffic Input
The Fleet Satellite Broadcast message traffic is
queued and/or channel selected by two processor-
controlled message switching systems before
transmission. These systems are the Naval Com-
munications Processing and Routing System
(NAVCOMPARS) for general service message
traffic, and STREAMLINER for special intelligence
message traffic. Fleet weather data from Naval
Oceanographic Command Centers is also transmitted
on nonprocessor controlled channels.
Rf Transmission
The FLTSATCOM satellites have two rf channels
allocated for Fleet Satellite Broadcast message traffic.
The primary channel is configured for an shf uplink to
the satellite and for translation within the satellite for
transmission as uhf in the downlink. The second rf
channel is designed for backup use only.
Since two channels are available, and several
different modulation techniques are used for the
uplink, there are seven different modes in which the rf
link can be transmitted.
In modes 1 through 6, the shf transmissions are
made by the Satellite Communications Terminal
AN/FSC-79. Mode 7 operates the rf uplink and
downlink at ultra-high frequencies and uses the uhf
transceiver AN/WSC-5(V).
Subscribers receive the uhf downlink signal
through the AN/SSR-1 receiver system, which
demodulates and demultiplexes the signal. The
demuxed signal is decrypted and read into the