Figure 2-7.Maintenance Requirement Cards
the who, what, when, how, and with what resources
associated with a specific maintenance requirement.
(See figure 2-7.)
Some MRCs have equipment guide lists (EGLs)
accompanying them to serve as location guides for a
number of identical equipments. A blank EGL is shown
in figure 2-8.
List of Effective Pages (LOEP)
The work center LOEP contains a list of the
Maintenance Index Pages (MIPs) and a brief description
of the systems and equipments in the work center.
Maintenance Index Page (MIP)
A MIP contains a brief description of the mainte-
nance requirements on all the MRCs for each item of
Maintenance is scheduled on cycle, quarterly, and
weekly schedules.
Cycle Schedule-Displays the PMS requirements to
be performed during the period between major
Quarterly Schedule-Displays each work centers
PMS requirements to be performed during a specific
3-month period.
Weekly Schedule-Displays the planned mainte-
nance scheduled for accomplishment in a work center
during a specific week.
PMS Feedback Report (FBR)-OPNAV 4790/7B
The PMS feedback report, shown in figure 2-9,
provides the command with an easy method of