abbreviations, formulas, and other general data related
to electronics installations and maintenance.
EIMB EMI Reduction Handbook
This handbook contains techniques and procedures
for the elimination or reduction of electromagnetic
interference created by own forces electromagnetic
radiating devices.
EIMB General Maintenance Handbook
This handbook contains routine maintenance
concepts, techniques, and procedures common to all
electronic and electrical equipment.
EIMB Equipment-Oriented Handbooks
For the basic equipment category, each of the six
handbooks contains general servicing information;
servicing information for specific equipments; a field
change identification guide that provides field change
information for all equipments of the basic equipment
category; and functional descriptions common to the
equipment of the basic equipment category. The six
equipment-oriented handbooks are as follows:
1. Communications
2. Radar
3. Sonar
4. Test Equipment
5. Radiac
6. Countermeasures
Periodically, the equipment-oriented handbooks are
updated by incorporating the Engineening Information
Bulletin (EIB) articles. The EIMBs are an excellent
source of basic information that can be used as a training
tool for your workcenter. If space is available, you will
benefit from having a complete set for your technical
There are many other useful publications
throughout the fleet. However, because of the vast
number, we will only describe a few in the following
Shipboard Antenna Systems Manuals
These five manuals serve as a source of information
for personnel concerned with the installation and
maintenance of shipboard antennas. The information
they contain supplements, but does not supersede,
existing specifications. The following is a list of what
each volume contains:
Volume 1Communications Antenna Funda-
Volume 2Installation Details, Communications
Antenna Systems
Volume 3Antenna Couplers, Communications
Antenna Systems
Volume 4Testing and Maintenance, Communi-
cations Antenna Systems
Volume 5Antenna Data Sheets
Miniature/Microminiature (2M)
Electronic Repair Program
While this publication (three volumes under one
cover) gives procedures and techniques, personnel must
be formally trained and certified to make high-quality,
reliable repairs to state-of-the-art electronic printed
circuits and modules.
Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, and Other
Techniques for Electromagnetic Compatibility
and Safety, Military Standard 1310 (NAVY)
The requirements of this standard apply to all new
shipboard installations and to any part of an existing
installation that is being modified. The procedures and
methods specified in this standard apply to any situation
that requires the technician to (1) bond, ground, insulate,
or use nonmetallic materials to provide electromagnetic
compatibility; (2) provide personnel safety from
electrical shock hazards; (3) safeguard electrical
transmissions of classified information; and (4) provide
a dc reference ground. We recommend this publication
as a MUST reading assignment for all Electronics
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards (Hazards
to Personnel, Fuel, and Other Flammable
This manual prescribes operating procedures and
precautions to prevent injury to personnel, ignition of