volatile vapors, and premature initiation of
electroexplosive devices in ordnance caused by
exposure to environmental electromagnetic radiation.
Data in this manual are provided in two volumes as
Volume I
Hazards to Personnel, Fuel, and Other
Flammable Material (U)
Volume II
Part IHazards to Unclassified Ordnance
Systems (U)
Part IIHazards to Classified Ordnance Systems
Volume I and Volume II, Part One, are unclassified
All classified data are contained in Volume II, Part Two.
Installation Criteria for Shipboard Secure
Electrical Information Processing Systems,
Military Standard 1680 (SHIPS)
This standard sets forth the design and installation
criteria that apply to shipboard secure electrical
information processing systems, including detailed
hardware and equipment requirements and the
applicable inspection and reporting procedures and
documentation. Installation and maintenance
technicians of these processing systems MUST be well
versed in the contents of this standard.
General-Purpose Electronic Test Equipment,
Military Standard 1364 (Series) (NAVY)
This standard identifies standard General-purpose
Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE), GPETE support
items, and General Use Portable Electrical Equipment
(GUPEE) that are suitable for Navy use and for which
the Naval Sea Systems Command exercises material
support responsibility by management of item entry.
This standard also establishes uniform procedures for
submission of applications to procure nonstandard
Military Specification Manuals, Technical:
Functionally Oriented Maintenance Manuals
(FOMM) for Electronic, Electromechanical,
and Ordnance Equipment Systems, and
Platforms, Military Specification
This specification sets forth the content and format
requirements for FOMMS, and their revisions and
changes, necessary for the installation operation, repair
(organizational-level, intermediate-level, and
depot-level), and parts support of equipment, systems,
and subsystems without the services of manufacturers
Procedures for Conducting a Shipboard
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Survey
(Surface Ships), Military Standard 1605
This standard provides detailed procedures for
conducting an electromagnetic interference survey
aboard surface ships.
Navy Electricity and Electronics
Training Series (NEETS)
At present there are 24 NEETS modules. These
modules contain a vast amount of information from an
introduction to matter, energy, and direct current to an
introduction to fiber optics.
The NEETS modules are high quality training aids
as well as excellent review publications for basic
electronics for all ETs.
The following paragraphs will discuss catalogs,
lists, indexes and directories of electronic equipment.
Equipment Identification Code (EIC)
Master Index
This index provides a listing of equipment
identification codes (EICs) in two sections. Section I
lists EIC numbers in numerical sequence and identifies
the equipment nomenclature assigned to each EIC
number. Section II is the complement of Section I. It lists
nomenclature in alphanumerical sequence and identifies
the EIC numbers assigned to equipment.