errors are brought to the attention of the operator forcorrection as required by OPNAVINST 4790.4.Automated Work Request (AWR)-OPNAV4790/2RThis form is produced by the computer andcombines the basic information submitted on theOPNAV 4790/2K and the planning informationsubmitted on the OPNAV 4790/2P, if the 2P has beenentered into the IMMS. A simulated AWR, producedunder the Shipboard Non-Tactical ADP System(SNAP), is a valid work request and will be accepted byall involved activities (see figure 2-5). An AWR may beused for any of the following purposes:To describe all work and planning informationrelating to a specific jobTo enter planning information relating to aspecific job with the OPNAV 4790/2K replacingthe OPNAV 4790/2PBy an IMA to conduct advance planning of atended unit’s availabilityChapter 12 of OPNAVINST 4790.4 containsdetailed information on this form.Ship’s Configuration Change Form–OPNAV4790/CK and Ship’s Configuration ChangeForm Continuation Page–OPNAV 4790/CK(C)These forms shown in figures 2-6A and 2-6B areused to report configuration changes at the individualequipment level.When you use the OPNAV 4790/CK form, you donot need to document the associated maintenance actionon an OPNAV 4790/2K form. The OPNAV 4790/CKform is used both as a closing deferral for reporting theaccomplishment of a previously deferred maintenanceaction that results in a configuration change, and as acompleted maintenance action (no prior deferral)reporting a configuration change.A configuration change occurs whenever amaintenance action results in the following situations:1.2.3.Addition or installation of any new equipment.Deletion or removal of any installed equipment.Replacement or exchange of any equipment. Areplacement or exchange is reported as theremoval of an installed equipment andinstallation of a new equipment.4.5.6.Modification of any installed equipment. Amodification results from a maintenance actionthat alters the design or operating characteristicsof the equipment, or a maintenance action inwhich nonstandard replacement parts (notidentified on the APL or in the technical manual)are used.Relocation of any equipment.Accomplishment of any alteration directive.Two excellent documents that provideblock-by-block instructions for completing the OPNAV4790/CK are OPNAVINST 4790.4 (3-M Manual) andSPCCINST 4441.170, the COSAL Use and Mainte-nance Manual.CURRENT SHIP’S MAINTENANCEPROJECT (CSMP)The CSMP is an administrative system that providesthe command and work center with the managementdata needed for the systematic accomplishment of repairand alteration of ship’s hull, installed equipment, andmaterial. It identifies at any one time the backlog ofdeferred maintenance for each work center. The MDSprovides the means for gathering this information. If theinformation provided is not accurate or up-to-date or isimproperly used by supervisors or maintenancetechnicians, the CSMP system is worthless.The usefulness of the MDS depends upon youraccuracy, thoroughness, and timeliness in reportinginformation. The MDS is a system in which potentialbenefits are directly proportional to the efforts applied.Programs for improving reliability, maintainability, andlogistic support of fleet equipment depend on howconscientiously you adhere to reporting procedures.PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (PMS)The Planned Maintenance System provides eachcommand with a simple standard means for planning,scheduling, controlling, and performing plannedmaintenance of all equipment. PMS maintenanceactions are the minimum required to maintain theequipment in a fully operable condition. Maintenanceprocedures are contained on cards called “maintenancerequirement cards” (MRCs).Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs)The MRCs provide detailed information forperforming preventive maintenance. They state exactly2-6
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