Technical administration is basically the filling out
of paperwork required to complete a task. Whether the
task is maintenance or repair in nature, it is not fully
completed until all documenting paperwork has been
finalized. You, as the technician, are responsible for
ensuring that all paperwork is completed for each task
you are assigned.
The Maintenance Data System (MDS) provides a
means of recording maintenance actions in substantial
detail. This allows a variety of information concerning
these actions and the performance of equipment
involved to be retrieved. (In older documents, you may
see the system refereed to as MDCS.) One of the major
objectives of the MDS is to provide the capability of
reporting configuration changes. In the following
paragraphs, we will describe MDS subsystems that you
will use frequently.
In the following paragraphs we will briefly discuss
the MDS forms that you as an ET are most likely to come
across in your daily routine. For more in-depth
information on the MDS forms, we recommend that you
read chapter 9 of OPNAVINST 4790.4, Ships
Maintenance and Material Management (3-M)
Manual. Because the supply forms associated with the
MDS have been discussed in other training manuals, we
will not cover them here.
Ships Maintenance Action
Form-OPNAV 4790/2K
This form, shown in figure 2-1, is the primary
maintenance form. It is used by maintenance personnel
to report (1) deferred maintenance actions and (2) all
completed maintenance actions (including previously
deferred actions).
The OPNAV 47902K contains six sections that
require entries, depending on the type of maintenance
action being reported. The form is printed on paper that
does not require carbon to make multiple copies.
Whenever you make an entry on this form, print the
information, using all CAPITAL letters. Be sure the
information is legible and inserted within the tic
marks. If you make an error, line it out using a single
line and enter the correct information.
Supplemental Form-OPNAV 4790/2L
This form, illustrated in figure 2-2, is used to
provide amplifying information for a maintenance
action reported on a 2K form. For example, you may
include on the 2L information from drawings, listings,
associated parts placement, part labels, and the like, for
use by a repair activity.
When you need to use an OPNAV 4790/2L
OPNAV 4790/2K, enter in block 35 of the
notation 2L USED.
Maintenance Planning and Estimating
Form-OPNAV 4790/2P
with an
2K the
This form is used with an OPNAV 4790/2K that
defers maintenance to be done by an IMA under the
Intermediate Maintenance Management System
(IMMS). It provides information necessary to allow
screening and planning to be done in detail.
Figure 2-3 illustrates this form as it may appear
when planning and scheduling have been completed by
a repair activity. Chapter 12 of OPNAVINST 4790.4B
contains detailed information on the use of the form.