Figure 1-7.Front cover of FATHOM.
Figure 1-6.Cover of an AIMS NEWSLETTER.
Electronic Systems Engineering Activity (NESEA), a
newsletter is written and sent out.
To obtain back copies of the AIMS newsletters,
contact the Naval Electronic Systems Engineering
Activity (Code 2114), St. Inigoes, Maryland. You may
also access an AIMS hotline if you have questions or
problems concerning maintenance. The number for the
AIMS hotline is DSN 326-3512, extension 8229. Figure
1-6 is an illustration of the front cover of an AIMS
FATHOM is an afloat safety review periodical in
magazine form. It is published bimonthly by the Naval
Safety Center in Norfolk Virginia. FATHOM contains
articles pertaining to safety issues of concern to surface
and submarine forces and is distributed primarily to
these forces. Figure 1-7 shows a front cover of
In the previous paragraphs we have discussed only
a few of the periodicals that are available in the fleet.
You may want to use the technical periodicals to keep
up to date with any changes that may occur to policy or
equipment configuration. However, remember, that
most periodicals are for information purposes only and
do not change or supersede policies, directives, or
Use bulletins, instructions, and periodicals to
increase your knowledge of electronics. They are
excellent sources for discovering new techniques in
troubleshooting and testing of equipment, and for
obtaining updates on safety procedures.
You can use individual command logs, such as those
that we mentioned earlier, to keep an accurate history of
equipment performance, and the location of test
You can also use the sources of information that we
discussed above as training aids for new] y reporting
personnel. New personnel can use the sources to bring
themselves up to date on new procedures and
troubleshooting techniques. In addition they can use the