The instructions you write on the tag must state the
specific reason the tag was attached. Do not use a
CAUTION tag if there is a chance someone could be
hurt or equipment could be damaged when operated
using normal operating procedures. Use a DANGER
tag instead.
A DANGER tag is a red -colored tag used to
prohibit operation of equipment that, if operated, could
jeopardize the safety of personnel or damage
equipment. Under NO circumstances may equipment
be operated or removed when tagged with a DANGER
tag (fig. 3-7).
Before you tag out apiece of equipment, make sure
you get your supervisors permission. If the equipment
is mission-critical, you may even need your division
officer or department heads permission to tag out the
Now go to the Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy, (OPNAVINST 3120.32),
and read chapter 6, section 630.17.6, Standard Tag-
Out Procedures, and return to this manual.
Wearing the correct protective equipment is
essential to all persons in the Navy. It is especially
important for the safety of electronics personnel. In the
following paragraphs, we will discuss this equipment.
You may be issued a pair of electrical safety shoes
when you report to your first duty station. You should
wear them whenever you work on or around energized
equipment for your own safety.
Take care of your electrical safety shoes. You can
clean and shine them just like regular safety shoes. And
when they become worn out or damaged, turn them into
your supply petty officer for a new pair.
Electrical safety shoes do not have any exposed
metal parts like you might find on regular safety shoes.
They do have special non-conducting soles designed to
protect you from electric shock. The soles are rated to
insulate you from a maximum of 600 volts.
Electrical safety shoes are stocked in the Naval
Supply System under the National Stock Number
(NSN) 8430-00-611-XXXX. The XXXX part of the
NSN specifies the shoe size.
Figure 3-7.DANGER Tag (red in color).