Electric shock, 3-1
avoiding, 3-3
definition, 3-1
rescuing victims, 3-3
severity, 3-1
Electromagnetic radiation hazards, 3-6
laser hazards to personnel, 3-6
rf hazards to personnel, 3-6
Electrostatic discharge precautions, 3-4
Hazardous materials, 2-1
information, 2-1
recognizing, 2-1
safety precautions, 2-3
stowage requirements, 2-9
types, 2-1
Protective equipments, 3-12
deck insulating material, 3-12
electrical safety shoes, 3-13
eye protection, 3-13
hearing protection, 3-13
rubber gloves, 3-13
safety shorting probe, 3-13
Safety responsibilities, 1-9
command safety officer, 1-9
commanding officer, 1-9
department safety officer, 1-10
division safety officer, 1-10
division safety petty officer, 1-10
personal safety, 1-11
Measuring voltage on energized equipments, 3-3
voltage above 300 volts, 3-4
voltage below 300 volts, 3-3
Mishap causes, 1-3
behavioral factors, 1-6
communications problems, 1-8
equipment design factors, 1-8
inadequate or outdated procedures, 1-6
inadequate safety precautions, 1-6
inadequate training and experience, 1-4
medical factors, 1-7
Mishap prevention, 1-8
Tagout bill, 3-7
caution tag, 3-11
danger tag, 3-12
tagout documents, 3-8
tagout procedures, 3-12
tagout responsibilities, 3-7
Types of hazardous materials, 2-1
aerosol containers, 2-4
batteries, 2-5
cathoderay tubes, 2-8
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 2-5
solvents, 2-4
vacuum tubes, 2-7