The HARPOON missile weapon subsystem
provides a self-contained, surface-to-surface missile
system capable of launching the HARPOON missile at
over-the-horizon surface targets. The HARPOON
missile weapon subsystem is the ships primary
surface-to-surface weapon. The subsystem relies on the
weapon control processor (WCP) computer and other
elements of the combat system for target detection,
threat evaluation, weapon pairing, and target data
The external communications subsystem allows the
ship to transmit and receive commands, orders,
instructions, and reports. Its primary purpose is to fulfill
tactical and operational command communication
requirements; its secondary purpose is to meet essential
administrative requirements.
The external communications subsystem includes
antenna systems, transceivers, transmitters, receivers,
terminal equipment, and security equipments. Several
configurations may be used for transmitting or receiving
with these equipments. Duplex, simplex, or
receive-only operation may be used with both secure
and nonsecure teletype and voice systems. Duplex
operation provides simultaneous transmission and
reception, and is used for specific operations involving
the passing of data. Simplex operation provides
communication between two stations in only one
direction at a time. It is most commonly used on voice,
data, and continuous wave (cw) circuits. Receive-only
(broadcast method) is used for many teletype, facsimile,
and continuous wave (cw) operations, where receipt
acknowledgement for each message is not required.
Communication services provided by the external
communications subsystem are voice, teletype, digital
data, high frequency (hf and ultra high frequency (uhf)
relay, and very high frequency (vhf) homing. Voice
communication services are provided on the R, U, Y, vhf
bridge-to-bridge and fleet satellite communication
communication circuits. The terminal configurations
consist of the C, G, N, R, Sa, Sd, W, and single audio
system (SAS) configurations. The Naval Modular
Automated Communications System (NAVMACS A+)
is provided as a special facility.
The Link 11 circuit provides for interchange of
track data, weapon system status, and commands. This
is done on a digital link between naval tactical data
system (NTDS) ships, certain airborne early warning
facilities, and antisubmarine warfare aircraft via hf or
uhf. The Link 11 circuit is the primary means for
Figure 4-3.External communications subsystem (Link 11).