2. increase the efficiency and effectiveness of
combat systems evolutions that occur during a ships life
cycle schedule; and
3. provide a procedure for the intermediate unit
commander (IUC) to use periodically in monitoring and
assessing the combat system organization and readiness
of individual units.
The overall goal of the Combat Systems Readiness
Program is to develop and maintain a high combat
systems readiness in each unit in the force. The specific
objectives are as follows:
. MaintenanceTo improve the combat systems
maintenance condition of the force
. Overhaul planningTo improve the planning
process for the combat system portion of
overhauls and major ship restricted availabilities
l OverhaulTo improve the quality of work
conducted on combat system equipment; to
increase the focus on combat system integrated
testing; and to ensure high levels of technical
training during an overhaul or SRA
. Post-overhaulTo ensure maximum combat
system effectiveness immediately after overhaul
by taking full advantage of the basic and
intermediate training associated with the
overhaul or SRA
l Combat readinessTo maintain combat system
equipment readiness and training at a high level
throughout the entire operational cycle of each unit
in the force; to provide for efficient and effective
management of combat-systems-related training,
administrative, and readiness programs; and to
provide means to evaluate and report promptly a
units combat systems readiness
Table 4-1 shows a typical life cycle schedule of
combat systems test and evaluation program key events.
The program is composed of many subprograms, all
of which are intended to increase combat systems
readiness. Several of those programs are discussed
The Group Commanders Combat Coordination
Support Team (CSCST) assists in monitoring and
assessing an individual units combat systems
organization and readiness during all combat systems
readiness evolutions. During these evolutions, the
CSCST conducts ship visits to evaluate and help in the
development of shipboard programs to improve combat
system readiness. Until permanent CSCST detachments
are formed in individual home ports, group commanders
form CSCSTs from assets within the group and the
ships home port. Specifically, CSCST takes the
following actions:
Reviews combat system administrative support
(for example, technical manuals, CSTOM,
COSAL, PMS, GPETE), assesses progress
during overhauls and ship restricted
availabilities, conducts reviews of the Combat
Systems Integrated Test Plans (CSITP), and
supports CSPOE/CSORE. (See CSTEP events 2
and 3 below.)
Evaluates and, when required, conducts
technical training to improve ships force ability
to light off, test, operate, and maintain combat
systems equipment.
Evaluates the effectiveness of the Ships
Electronic Readiness Team (SERT).
Assists in conducting the following CSTEP
Combat Systems Pre-Overhaul Assessment
Combat Systems Post-Overhaul Examination
Combat Systems Operational Readiness
Examination (CSORE) (Phases I and II)
NAVSEACEN provides engineering technical
support and material services to forces afloat. They
assist in conducting Combat Systems Readiness
Reviews (CSRR) and provide gun/missile/ASW battery
and gunfire control/missile fire control/ASW fire
control technical assistance. These reviews are not the
same as the technical assistance for repairs provided by
MOTUs, but instead provide assistance necessary to
further the self-reliance of the ships force in
improving the operational readiness of installed